Saturday, 9 August 2014

Top Ten Weird Words

Ah, words. A writer's best friend. But, while most are useful and help you craft amazing stories, there are some that are incredibly bizarre. Below is my top ten picks for weirdest words. In no particular order, let's get on with it.
10. Yclept
This means 'By the name of' or 'called'.

9. Wanweird
This means 'Misfortune' or 'An unhappy fate'.

8. Honourificabilitudinitatibus 
This means 'With honour'.

7. Pogonotomy
The act of cutting a beard.

6. Runcation
Meaning 'the act of weeding'.

5. Gongoozler
This means 'an idle spectator'.

4. Zenzizenzizenzic
Meaning 'A number raised to the eighth power'.

3. Abecadarian
Meaning someone who is learning the alphabet.

2. Adoxography
Skilled writing on an unimportant subject.

1. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian
According to the Urban Dictionary, this pertains to a very long word.

You may, of course, go ahead and use these in your writing, but beware. Most people won't have the faintest idea of what they mean. Which can be both awkward and hilarious.

What's your favourite weird word? Had you heard of any of these before? Comment below and let me know!

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