Hi guys! So today is yet another Beautiful People Questionaire. Once again, credit goes to Paper Fury. For this one, I’ve returned to the tried and true characters from The Gatekeeper Chronicles. This time around, I’ve chosen my character, Marcello Di Mercurio. He’s my main character’s other best friend. Yay, friendship!
So here we go.
Do they want to get married and/or have children? Why or why not?
I think Marcello’s fairly unsure on this matter. He has no particular urge to get married and, in fact, would probably choose not to simply because his grandparents want him to. He generally likes doing whatever they tell him not to do. Because they’re horrible people.
What is their weapon of choice? (It doesn’t necessarily have to be a physical weapon.)
Marcello uses a rifle a lot of the time. His other weapon of choice is a sword or rapier and his skinchanging ability.
What’s the nicest thing they’ve done for someone else, and why did they do it?
He saves people’s lives a lot...but the nicest thing he’s ever done for someone was probably the time he gave his food away to a little girl who was living on the street. He was starving, in fact he hadn’t eaten in days, and he didn’t have any more money. But he thought she needed it more.
Have they ever been physically violent with someone, and what instigated it?
Oh yes. Marcello tends to be a fairly violent person by nature, so it wouldn’t take much. He has rather a hair-trigger temper. He broke someone’s arm once, but they did make fun of his dead father so he had a reason. Though it might not be a good reason.
Are they a rule-follower or a rebel?
Rebel. Definitely.
Are they organized or messy?
Messy. So messy. All the mess.
What makes them feel loved, and who was the last person to make them feel that way?
Physical affection makes Marcello feel loved, he needs a lot of physical contact. The last person to make him feel loved was his brother, before he graduated from the Academy and became an Elite. That was around two years before the story began. He hasn’t seen him in all that time.
What do they eat for breakfast?
He normally only gets porridge for breakfast, but his favourite is blueberry muffins.
Have they ever lost someone close to them? What happened?
He lost both his parents when he was six, on his mother’s birthday. He came home to find them dead on the floor.
What’s their treat of choice? (Or, if not food, how else do they reward themselves?)
Blueberry muffins. Or sharbat. He loves sharbat.