Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Project Wales Update

Sup, I have returned. Like a month and a half late, but shush. Everything's fine. 

Back in my NaNo wrap up, I promised to post an update if I succeeded in finishing Project Wales before the end of 2021 - which I failed at. Not finishing Project Wales, that actually worked out, but posting? I'm bad at keeping promises, my apologies. 

Anyways! Better late than never, lads, she's done! And looking mighty beautiful at that. 

She was supposed to be done at 120k. What is this new devilry??? She's a Giant, I tell you. Alas, my best attempts at curtailing this monster of a book failed and now I have to try and cut 24k words. Probably more, given 120k is a bit too big as well. 

I managed to finish this beaut on Christmas Eve! Which was great, since I could then spend time with my family without the year-end deadline looming over my head. 

Once I finished, I set it aside for six weeks so I could get a bit of distance from it, which ended on the fifth of February. I started the next Monday and have now finished my re-read and notes. The plan is to now make a reverse-outline and try and figure out what scenes are necessary, what scenes can be combined and what scenes can be cut altogether. It's a bit of an undertaking, admittedly, but hopefully I'll be able to delete a decent amount of words.

Thank you, one and all, with that, I'm out.

Know The Novel - Introducing Project Broken Destiny

Guess who's back.  Know the Novel's back! Oh, and me, but that's a lot less interesting. Yes, the iconic novel linkup has return...