Thursday, 23 November 2023

Know The Novel - Within Spooky Wild West

Hello, all. It's been a few weeks and I'm back again, with the second part of the Know the Novel linkup made by Christine Smith. If you haven't read my first post, you can find that here. If you can't be bothered to read that, then all you need to know is that I've been spending this November working on my spooky ghost mystery set in the Wild West. The goal is 50k in November, and 55k on the overall novel, though it might end up shorter. We'll see.

Without further ado, let's get on with it.



How’s the writing going overall? 


I actually think it's been going pretty well! I often struggle with the middle of my novels during these kinds of challenges, but my goal of writing an actually short novel this year means that I actually passed that miserable middle quite quickly, so I didn't get slowed down as much as I usually do.

I've been putting emphasis on writing every day (except Sundays, which I take off from writing, except for writing like one (1) word to keep my streak on the NaNo website haha) instead of having any big 5k days. If I get super into my writing, I cut myself short at about 3k, instead of pushing on, and just carry on with the momentum the next day instead of burning myself out. 

I've just hit 40k for November:

And 45k overall.

So we're definitely in the finishing stretch now. Lots of revelations and action happening in this climax right now.

I'm also having so much fun with these characters, guys. They're so much fun. I love them very much.

What’s been the most fun aspect about writing this novel so far?


I'm really enjoying my two main characters, like I said, they're a lot of fun to write. I'm also enjoying getting to write a proper mystery, with seeding all the clues and all that. It's very fun. There've also been some very unsettling moments, so that's lovely.


What do you think of your characters at this point? Who’s your favorite to write about?


They're ridiculous and they like to argue with each other, but also kind of get on better generally than I thought they were going to? It's wild.

My favourite? That'd be hard to say. I love both Eugene and Guinevere in very different ways. Eugene has been really fun to explore as a character, since he's my point-of-view character. It's been really interesting discovering more about how he thinks and operates. Guinevere....brings a certain something to every scene she's in. I'm not sure what it is, but it is definitely something.

Has your novel surprised you in any way?


Like I said, my characters have surprised me by getting along better than I thought they would - though they still argue so much, never fear. Other than that, the whole story has filled itself out so much more as I've written it. I had my two main characters beforehand, but none of the others really. I just had vague Roles in mind for the plot like the Sheriff, the Deputy Sheriff, the victims, and so on. As I've written, I've named and developed them and I actually. Kind of accidentally made myself really sad. So that's fun.

Have you come across any problem areas?


I think the plot needs work. It makes a decent amount of sense, I think, but there's definitely holes I've noticed and things I need to think about more carefully. There's also probably bits I need to flesh out a little more. Also! Research. I need to do more research; historical, scientific, just all the research. I did some beforehand, but I need to do so much more when I go back to edit.


What’s been your biggest victory with writing this novel at this point?


Keeping it to a short length, haha. After Project Wales ballooned to a truly behemothic 144k, I was definitely worried. That's why I put so much work into planning the story ahead of time, so I didn't let it get out of hand. The fact that it's actually looking like it'll finish at around 50k is a big, big victory for me.


If you were transported into your novel and became any one of the characters, which one do you think you’d be? Would you take any different actions than they have?


I mean, I think I'd probably actually be just. A random citzen. But, of my actual characters, I think I'd probably be Eugene. He's a fun guy and makes generally somewhat alright choices. Guinevere's too scary to be me. I mean, since I know the whole plot then I would probably solve the mystery quicker, but I have a bit of an unfair advantage haha.


Give us the first sentence or paragraph then 2 (or 3!) more favorite snippets!


Ah yes. Snippets. It's so hard finding snippets that don't give away any spoilers for a mystery. Well, here's the very first sentence I wrote on this project ever, from the prologue:


Eugene had not the faintest idea where it’d all gone so wrong.

This is, generally speaking, a continual Mood for him throughout this entire novel.

Here is the first paragraph I wrote during November:


The first stop Eugene made was to the Agency library, which, among other things, held the Agency’s most up-to-date maps. He slid out the rolled-up New Mexico Territory map and the Colorado map, spreading them both out on the table in the centre so he could check out the route.

And here is Snippet #1: starring Guinevere being herself, and Eugene trying to keep the peace, which is a very normal situation for them to be in. 


‘So where are the bodies?’ Guinevere jumped in once again.

‘The bodies have been buried, of course,’ Sheriff Lovey said.

Buried?’ Guinevere repeated, as though this was the most bizarre concept she’d ever heard of and not a perfectly normal thing to do with dead bodies.

‘Yes?’ Sheriff Lovey said, eyeing her.

‘Honestly,’ Guinevere said. ‘Have you never solved a murder before? I need access to the bodies, so as to ascertain the cause of death.’

‘Miss,’ Sheriff Lovey began.

Agent Arkwright.’

‘Agent Arkwright,’ Sheriff Lovey corrected, clearly fed up with her. ‘The bodies were buried as is respectful to the young people in question. You will simply have to do your job without desecrating the dead.’

Guinevere looked like she wanted to say something more, but Eugene stepped in before she could. ‘Thank you, Sheriff,’ he said. ‘Of course, we understand your decision. We’d appreciate it if you’d share anything you’ve gathered thus far with us.’

Snippet #2: starring 19th century sensibilities vs Guinevere


Once they were done with that, Eugene knocked on Guinevere’s door. She opened it and raised an eyebrow at him.

‘We should probably discuss our plan of action,’ Eugene posited.

Guinevere clicked her tongue irritably and stepped aside to let him in. He immediately stopped, going a little red. ‘I…probably shouldn’t be in your room alone.’

‘Are you serious?’ Guinevere asked him flatly.

‘Well, you are a lady,’ Eugene said.

‘And you’re an idiot,’ said Guinevere. ‘What’s your point?’

‘It’s inappropriate for a man to be alone in a woman’s room with her,’ said Eugene. ‘Your reputation would be….’

Guinevere raised her eyebrow even higher than before, then grabbed his arm and yanked him into the room. ‘There, now you’re in. Alas, my reputation is now tainted forever and we can get on with actually important matters. What did you want to discuss?’

Eugene sighed and gave in, taking a seat on the chaise towards the end of the room, as Guinevere sat on her bed. ‘We need to think about how we’re going to approach this investigation,’ Eugene said.

‘I still can’t believe they buried the bodies,’ said Guinevere grumpily.

‘It’s been five days even since the most recent death,’ Eugene said. ‘Of course they’ve buried them all.’

Guinevere scowled. ‘I need a body to examine.’


And, finally, Snippet #3: starring Guinevere finally getting her hands on a dead body and Eugene being v grossed out. 


She grabbed a dangerously sharp scalpel and began to slowly cut along the lines.

Eugene almost threw up, turning away. ‘Guinevere!’

‘Oh, get a grip, Eugene,’ Guinevere said, as a sickeningly wet sound came from behind him. ‘This is really quite simple. Far easier than doing it on a living person, believe me.’

Eugene couldn’t not look at her at that—trying not to see the blood on her hands. ‘I hate that I can’t tell if you’re joking or not.’

Guinevere merely gave an unknowable smile. ‘Pass me that clank,’ she said, as she began to peel back skin and flesh.

Eager to look at just about anything else, Eugene began hunting for the clank, though he didn’t really know what a clank looked like. He found something that he thought might be a clank, but Guinevere only rolled her eyes when he showed it to her. ‘No, it’s right next to it, idiot.’


Share an interesting tidbit about the writing process so far! (For example: Have you made any hilarious typos? Derailed from your outline? Killed off a character? Changed projects entirely? Anything you want to share!)


I've managed to keep to my outline, mostly, but a lot of the in-between bits I've had to come up with on the fly. I've also had to do so much just little bits of worldbuilding to get this story to make sense as I write - things like how the paranormal stuff actually works and the rules of it. It's been kind of wild.


Take us on a tour of what a normal writing day for this novel looks like. Where do you write? What time of day? Alone or with others? Is a lot of coffee (or some other drink) consumed? Do you light candles? Play music? Get distracted by social media (*cough, cough*)? Tell all!


This year, I've found myself writing a lot in the late afternoon to evening, normally starting at about four or later. For some reason, I find it easier to write at those hours. I tend to write in our living room, though I've found myself wandering to other parts of the house to try and get some peace and quiet on a few occasions haha. I've also worked in a couple of coffee shops as well. I have drunk so much tea, just so much. I love my Jam & Toast Yorkshire Tea. It fuels my writing.


I also often have to try and write around this little monster

Who feels the need to take over my lap regardless of it I'm doing something or not.

I always write to my story playlist, which is v large and v spooky.

And that is the end. I'll be back - hopefully - in December with part 3. Please, check out Christine's post, and her blog which is amazing.

Friday, 6 October 2023

Know the Novel - Introducing Spooky Wild West

 Hello all.

As is tradition at this point, I have, in fact, disappeared from the internet since last year's Know The Novel, but fear not. I still live. Allegedly. If you're new to this linkup, it's a three-part tag created by Christine Smith for writers to answer questions about their WIPs, specifically aimed at those participating in one of the many writing challenges that love to plague us around autumn.

This year, I'm planning to do 50k on my chosen project in November for NaNoWriMo, but I'm hoping to work on either edits for Project Wales or preparation on this project for the first half of FallFicFrenzy. FallFicFrenzy, for those of you who are new to it, is a writing challenge Christine made that runs from October 15th to November 15th. Please, check it out on her blog if you want to learn more about it.

I was intending to do what I hoped to do last year and do an extra 10k for that initial half of FallFic, but if all goes to plan then the 50k in November should more than complete this project. Or, well, the first book of this project.


Speaking of which! I went back and forth on which project I wanted to work on for this NaNoWriMo. I'm still chugging my way through Project Wales edits in my own time, but I don't normally like to edit during NaNoWriMo because I like Taking My Time, so I've opted for a newer project that has no title. At the moment, we're calling it Spooky Wild West because what else am I going to call this disaster story?

 Now, without further ado, onwards.


What first sparked the idea for this novel?

This particular story came about kind of as a combination of things. I’ve always loved westerns, in all forms of media, and I’ve wanted to write something in that setting for a while. More recently, I started watching The X-Files (very late, I might add), and that combined with a Western tv show I was watching at the time, the Magnificent Seven show from the late 90s, to create this whole thing.

I think it has a lot of influence from The City Between series, and its sequel series A Whisker Behind, by W.R. Gingell too, as well as drawing from general Victorian gothic literature.

Share a blurb (or just an overall summary)!  

Look, this story is so hard to write a blurb for. I’ve made an attempt, but I don’t think it’s very good. Still, it gives you an idea, I think.

Introducing to all you lovely people, my weird historical paranormal gothic horror novel…

Seventeen years, four months and two days. That’s how long it’s been since Eugene Fanshawe last heard his true name spoken aloud without danger. Living from one fake name to the next, surviving by trickery and con-artistry, ultimately led him to a prison cell and an offer, to join the mysterious Agency as an investigative agent, giving him a pardon—after four years of obligated work, that is—and the resources to finally solve the mystery that has haunted him for so much of his life.

But, four years on, Eugene has not solved that first case, and he has successfully driven away every agent the Agency attempted to partner with him. He is given one last chance, a partnership with the latest and most notorious agent to join their ranks, Guinevere Arkwright—also known as the Maiden Reaper, a notorious assassin finally arrested and granted a pardon in exchange for her life in service to the Agency. If Eugene can’t make this partnership work, his hopes of solving his oldest mystery will turn to ash, and he will never be free to use his true name again.

Sent to investigate a series of mysterious deaths in Ashfield, a mining town deep in New Mexico Territory, the two must find a way to work together—because Eugene’s hopes aren’t all that’s at stake. Darker things are at work in Ashfield than either of them know and, perhaps, their only hopes for survival and success are each other.


Where does the story take place? What are some of your favorite aspects of the setting?

This particular story takes place in 1870s New Mexico Territory, except a Spooky version. 

I love the eerie, creepy nature of the world I’ve created for this story. I love the atmosphere of it, and I love getting to play around with folklore and cryptids and paranormal creatures like ghosts, whilst very much putting my own spin on them. It’s a world that has, to an extent, its own internally consistent rules whilst also being kind of beyond my characters’ comprehension. Sort of Lovecraftian in that way. There’s very much a sense that the world is much bigger, much more dangerous and much stranger than my characters will ever be able to fully understand, like all they can do is solve small portions of it.

Tell us about your protagonist(s).

For this project, I have one main protagonist, who's the point-of-view character, and a secondary protagonist, who's his partner. It was a real challenge to find the images for these collages that were also free to use, so...I hope they look good.

Agent Eugene Fanshawe Stokers

ENTP | American | 22 | Hufflepuff | 3w2 | old west gambler | former con artist | immensely charismatic and charming | lover of riddles, puns, and word play | far softer than you'd think | has a big old squishy heart | vehemently pacifistic | spends too much time trying to convince guinevere that murder isn't the solution to minor problems | has a horse named Merlin (see, it's funny because she's a female horse, so a mare, and she's MARE-lin, yes he's a loser) | could talk you into giving him your life-savings but would probably feel bad afterward | his back must be aching from all that singlehanded carrying of this novel's moral compass | guinevere's Morality Pet | social chameleon  | ADHD king

Agent Guinevere Arkwright | The Maiden Reaper

INTJ | British | 22 | Ravenclaw | 5w6 | former assassin, still suggests murder too easily | from an Evil Assassin Family | short, but Menacing | doesn't understand the concept of fun | mad scientist | always tries to carry her entire laboratory with her | extremely morbid | it's impossible to tell when she's joking, she likes it that way | expert coroner | gives wednesday addams vibes | completely inept socially, only kind of cares | it sure is hard to figure out how to be a human being when you've been treated as nothing but a living weapon for your entire life | autistic icon, outside of, y'know, all the murdering


Who (or what) is the antagonist?

Given that this is a mystery, I have absolutely no intention of telling you. I will say, however, that there are multiple antagonists in here.


What excites you the most about this novel?

There's so much about this project that excites me. Like I said above, the setting and time period has always been a favourite of mine, I'm just a sucker for Old West settings. This is also my first attempt at a full-blown horror story. I'd say my project from last year, Wild Swans Retelling, certainly had major horror elements, but this is the first project that I think actively falls into the horror genre. I'm very excited.

I also just love the relationship between my two main characters, and I'm really looking forward to writing it. It's really the lynch-pin of this entire series, which does make me a bit nervous because if it falls flat then the whole series falls flat but it excites me as well. I don't know if I'd call it a romance or a friendship, I think it might be somewhere in between. I really don't know.


Is this going to be a series? standalone? something else?

I actually put a lot of thought into this and ultimately settled on a longer series of shorter novels, with each one coming to about 50k or so. Each will follow a different investigation, with an ongoing mystery in the background that my characters slowly begin to uncover as they go. So the 50k I'm doing in November should, if the story goes as I've intended, actually take me well over the finishing point, especially since I've already written 5k. Obviously, it may grow during my actual drafting process, but hopefully it won't grow too much.

Are you plotting? pantsing? plansting?

I'm plantsing, I think. I do have the actual reveals planned out, and I've got a decent idea of the overall plot, but I haven't planned a lot of it out in detail. Unusually for me, I probably have the third act planned out the most, but there's still a lot missing that I'll have to figure out when I get there.

Name a few unique elements in this story.

I think that the main relationship is fairly original, I hope anyway haha. I'm honestly not sure. I will say that this story isn't a comedy, per se, but I do think it'll have black comedy elements, which'll be fun. Guinevere tends to bring dark comedy just by being herself.

I also hope that the world'll be original. Like I said, I'm drawing from real folklore and such, but I've put my own spin on them and created creatures that are unique to my story, whilst still having elements of those older stories.


Share some fun “extras” of the story (a song or full playlist, some aesthetics, a collage, a Pinterest board, a map you’ve made, a special theme you’re going to incorporate, ANYTHING you want to share!).



black corroded eyes | imprisonment | campfire conversations | crying in the dark | buried truths | something's watching you |  paper archives | blistering heat | secret smiles | slowly building trust | hand-holding | no way out | prison bars | wanted posters | corrupt decadence | trust no one | dangerous devotion | maze-like mansions | something's in the water



And here's my full Spotify playlist: 


If you want to see my Pinterest board, that would be here.

I'd say, thematically, this series is fundamentally about redemption, about mercy, about radical forgiveness, about loving the unloveable, about the redemptive power of love and kindness. Themes that are just very close to my heart.   

I'm so excited to get to write more of this story, and I'm eagerly awaiting everyone else's posts! Thank you, Christine, for hosting this amazing tag every year, it's always so much fun.

Know The Novel - Introducing Project Broken Destiny

Guess who's back.  Know the Novel's back! Oh, and me, but that's a lot less interesting. Yes, the iconic novel linkup has return...