Monday, 23 November 2020

Know The Novel Part Two - Within the WIP

 Greetings friends, I have returned once more with the second part of the Know The Novel linkup. Last time, I told you all about Project Wales, my contemporary fantasy novel wherein four losers look for the legendary treasure of Merddyn Wyllt, the novel that I am writing for NaNoWriMo this year. If you didn't read that post or just want a refresher on the novel I'm talking about here, the link is here. And on we go!

How’s the writing going overall?

It has been...going. I had a pretty good start to NaNo, getting quite far ahead on my word count in that first week or so, but I've kind of been flipflopping between confident and happy with what I'm writing and hating every single word. It also definitely hasn't been helping that my physical and mental health have both been kind of all over the place, but it's not too bad. I'm currently at 40k, which I'm happy with. I'm trying to stay ahead of the word count I actually need in case I have Really Bad Days.

But overall, I think I'm feeling pretty good about this story. Like I mentioned in my first Know The Novel post, this is a story that means an awful lot to me and that's been in my head for a long time. To an extent, I think that's making it harder because I semi-frequently write scenes and they're just Not what I wanted them to be like, but it also makes it so much more exciting and satisfying when they come out exactly as I imagined or better. 

So yes, very spotty and all over the place both in terms of how I'm feeling about this story, and also in word counts per day as you can see from this screenshot of my words per day table on the NaNoWriMo website, which isn't updated for today by the way.

 But I am still super excited about this story and these characters and I'm especially excited to be done with the first draft so that I can begin polishing it.

What’s been the most fun aspect about writing this novel so far?

Absolutely the world. I just love this magic-tinged town and the whole way that magic works in this world is so much fun to write. I also love writing these characters a lot. I've had some trouble with them, but I do really really enjoy writing these characters overall. 

It also has a nice Vibe overall. I don't really know how to explain it. It's kind of stylistic and odd and I just really enjoy writing in this style. My sister read the first chapter and said that she was imagining it in a Tim Burton-esque style as she read it, if that helps at all with understanding what I mean.

What do you think of your characters at this point? Who’s your favourite to write about?

They are my kids and I would die for every single one of them. I've really enjoyed the way they've come out in a lot of ways. 

Peri - is just a huge amount of fun to write. She has so much energy and is so excited about everything and also a hundred percent down to fight at any given time. She's definitely a helpful character to have around considering the other three are really introverted and they definitely need a solid Extravert to pull them out of their shells.

Haneul - mysteriously switched genders and now she's a girl, so that's cool I guess. I think she's definitely the hardest to write, she's very reserved and doesn't like to make her feelings clear to either the other characters or to me haha. But she just has so much love and kindness in her, even if she doesn't always know how to show it, and she has suffered and struggled so much over her life and cares so much about others, I love her.

Jules - can be hard to write sometimes, just because he's in a really bad situation with his family and his depression makes his POV sad to write sometimes, but he has a great sense of humour and I love the way he describes things. He's an artist, so he gives some of the best descriptions of the setting of all of them and I love that about him. He's kind of clumsy and awkward when it comes to friendship, because he's never really had that before, but honestly he's just here to draw things and love his friends, that is all. Also, I know I typed him as an INFP prior to writing him, but I didn't realise until I wrote him just how much of an INFP he is, sheesh.

Arthur - mysterious nerd. Everyone makes fun of him for dressing like a grandad. There is speculation he's actually an eighty-year-old man trapped in a young body. He Knows Things, but refuses to explain any of it. Feels the need to be unnecessarily cryptic about literally everything. So many problems that come up later would be solved if Arthur Mulligan possessed the basic ability to Communicate His Problems, but it's fine, it's cool, everything's fine.

Has your novel surprised you in any way?

I mean, Haneul turned into a girl so that was a pretty big surprise. Other than that, everything is mostly going according to how it was in my head, so not really. I will say I think it's way bigger than I was fully anticipating it being. Like, I have never had a novel take So Long to get to the freaking inciting incident before. I was up to like 15 or 16k before I even hit the inciting incident. The first act is over 35k long. I knew it was going to be fairly long, but I hadn't really realised how long it really would be before I started writing.

Have you come across any problem areas?

So many. I think Haneul's POV is going to take the most work in editing, because I'm definitely still getting to know her and understand how her mind works. Other issues include Terrible Descriptions, settings that just Aren't what I wanted them to be and a bunch of scenes that come across as super stilted that I was just desperately trying to hammer out and get past. 

What’s been your biggest victory with writing this novel at this point?

Irregardless of anything else, I am genuinely enjoying writing this novel and that's a victory all on its own. Also, while there have absolutely been major issues in this story, when I get it right it is Right. Like, some of the scenes I have written in here are some of my favourites ever. A really good example of that is that I finally wrote the scene where I introduced my main antagonist and I just? Love this scene? So much? It's so creepy and unnerving and well and truly out-did my expectations for it.

Also overall, I don't think the plot is going to need that much fixing? It's mostly all going exactly how I want it to go. I think there are absolutely a few issues there, but mostly it all makes sense and fits together nicely.

If you were transported into your novel and became any one of the characters, which one do you think you’d be? Would you take any different actions than they have?

I'd become Arthur and make him talk out his problems, for goodness' sake. But for the most part, none of them have made any of their Horrendous decisions just yet. We're barely out of Act 1 yet.

Give us the first sentence or paragraph then 2 (or 3!) more favourite snippets!

Okay, because I began this novel pre-NaNo, I'm going to give the first bit of the overall novel and then the first bit that I actually wrote during NaNo. 


The painted faces of his parents over the mantlepiece scared Jules Ridley. They always had. 

When he was young, Jules had avoided this room at all costs because being near the painting made him feel sick. It was like that with all of the paintings in the house, but this one was especially bad.

A painting was supposed to be filled with life. The painting of Jules’ parents was filled with nothing but hollow smiles and covered in a shiny gloss finish.



After Jules agreed, Arthur led them both to a little pub down a side-street deep inside Carydrai. Crooked old buildings crowded the sides, leaning over like worried gnomes, watching as Jules followed Arthur. 

The Leaping Frog read the faintly glowing sign swinging above the door. A painting of a frog sat just under the words. As Jules watched, the frog turned and winked at him.



Haneul didn’t remember the dream. 

This wasn’t anything new. Haneul rarely remembered her dreams once they were over. She just woke; shaking, sometimes sick, with a nameless dread weighing down her bones.

All she could ever remember were flashes; once a bloody knife, once flashing ambulance lights, sometimes not even those remnants instead just a vague premonition, a certainty of things that were to come, even though she didn’t remember how she knew.

But this dream wasn’t like the others. There was no dread, no trembling, no hollow certainty. Only peace and comfort.



Just outside of the back door was the garden she had poured her heart into. Every vegetable growing in that vegetable patch was her pride and joy; the gigantic pumpkins, the sexy onions, the long carrots and more. Once a year, since she was eleven, she had won the prize at the local agricultural fair for her vegetables. 

“Okay,” Peri said, kneeling down in front of the patch and wincing against her will. “Lanci. This is of vital importance. Hold up your right hand.”

Lancelot raised an unconvinced eyebrow. “Why?”

“Just do it,” Peri made a face at him. 

Lancelot rolled his eyes, then raised his right hand. “Fine. Now what?”

“You, Lancelot Gibson, have solemnly sworn to carry out the vital job of keeping these vegetables alive while their mother is at university,” Peri proclaimed seriously, raising her own right hand. 

“I said I’d water them,” Lancelot said, “I don’t think that’s as big a deal as you’re making it.”

“Shush,” Peri hissed at him. “Now. Say after me. I, Lancelot Gibson.”

Lancelot didn’t say anything. 

Peri kicked at him. Finally he rolled his eyes again and repeated the words. “I, Lancelot Gibson.” 

He didn’t quite have the gravitas Peri wanted, instead sounding rather bored, but she decided to let it pass. “Do solemnly swear.”

“Do solemnly swear.” Lancelot suddenly looked very concerned. “You better not be making me sign my life away to you or anything.”

“Would I do a thing like that?” Peri put her hand to her chest in shock. “Me? Your dear older sister, Peri?”

“You once tricked me into giving you all my Christmas chocolate in exchange for a stick,” said Lancelot flatly.

“Okay, that one was on you and also I was eight,” Peri protested.

“I was six! You tricked a six-year-old into selling you Christmas chocolate!”

Peri shrugged. “You snooze, you lose. Anyway, carry on repeating, you loser. To care for these vegetables as though they were my own children.”

Lancelot repeated her words, looking very dubious indeed which Peri thought was very unfair. 

“To read to them, every day, a chapter from the Lord of the Rings books,” Peri continued onwards.

Lancelot sent her a blank look.

Peri shrugged. “That’s their favourite.”

“They’re vegetables, Peri.”

“They have feelings, Lancelot.”

“Again, I reiterate, they’re vegetables, Peri!” Lancelot crossed his arms, glaring at her. “Vegetables don’t have feelings!”

“Maybe most vegetables don’t,” Peri said primly, “But mine do. Now shush and repeat it.”

Lancelot rolled his eyes so hard Peri was surprised they didn’t fall out of his head. “Fine. To read a chapter of Lord of the Rings to them everyday.”

“That’s not quite what I said, but I’ll let it go,” Peri said, and Lancelot made a face at her. She made a face back, before she straightened her face and tried to look serious. “Repeat. To talk to them and make sure they feel comfortable and to tell them that they’re doing well, tell them to grow up good and strong.”

“This is ridiculous,” Lancelot said. 

“Shut up,” Peri said.

“You’re the most annoying person on the planet,” Lancelot informed her. 

“I know,” Peri said, with a huge grin. “It’s great, isn’t it?”

Lancelot rolled his eyes, but said nothing.

“Now, repeat it. Come on!” Peri kicked him again just for good luck.

Lancelot groaned, but dutifully repeated her words. “Are we done now?”

“Not quite. Repeat. Most of all, I swear to be father and mother to these vegetables and to make sure they don’t die while Peri’s away, cause she’d be really sad and would probably cry if that happened.”

“This is getting personal now,” Lancelot said. 

Peri scowled at him. 

He rolled his eyes — again, Lancelot’s eye-sockets had to be getting the best workout of their lives today, Lancelot should really be thanking her for that. “Fine. Most of all, I swear to be father and mother to these stupid vegetables and to make sure they don’t die while Peri’s away, cause she’d be really sad and would probably cry.”

Peri gasped and put her hands on the nearest pumpkin on either side. “Don’t listen, babies. He’s just being mean.”

Lancelot just looked at her. “Can I go now? Am I free yet?”

“Yeah, you’re done,” Peri said with the biggest grin she could muster. “Take care of them, Lanci.”

Lancelot send her a long look. “I won’t let your vegetables die, Peri. You know I won’t.”

Peri reached out and squeezed his hand. “I know that, Lanci.”


Share an interesting tidbit about the writing process so far! (For example: Have you made any hilarious typos? Derailed from your outline? Killed off a character? Changed projects entirely? Anything you want to share!)

I got bored of trying to cut out the few thousand words I wrote pre-NaNo when I worked out my word count and ended up writing the same amount of words in a different project and then included them haha. I haven't killed anyone yet, though we're getting close to the first death if my vague plot outline is correct. I also just generally keep switching projects and writing a bit on other stuff whenever I need a break from this one, but I don't normally include those words in my NaNo count.

Take us on a tour of what a normal writing day for this novel looks like. Where do you write? What time of day? Alone or with others? Is a lot of coffee (or some other drink) consumed? Do you light candles? Play music? Get distracted by social media (*cough, cough*)? Tell all!

Well, I haven't really had Writing Days. I've been working on my course at the same time, as well as struggling through various health issues both physical and mental, so I've mostly been writing as and when I feel up to doing it. Most of the time, that ends up being in the evening. I've also joined a Discord group of NaNoers from Wales, so I've made heavy use of sprints and word wars this NaNo, which works really well for me. I also have a Whole Playlist about 11 hours long that I put together for this story, link here. I always turn that on when I'm writing, it helps me get in the mood. 

I get distracted by literally everything, but in particular my mind just fixated on the older tv show Starsky and Hutch this month for some reason and all I actually want to do 24/7 is watch it haha. But! I'm overcoming it. We're fighting onwards lads.

Saturday, 10 October 2020

Know The Novel Part One: Introducing Project Wales

 So. Hi. It's been a while. Big oof.

A lot has happened since last time I was on here. I'm not going to get into it all now and I'm honestly not sure how much I'm actually going to be active on here for a while, considering I've just started another course and I'm planning on adding NaNoWriMo to that workload apparently, so I don't think I need a blog to try and keep up with, at least not for a while. 

But I really wanted to join this link-up so! Brief bout of activity it is!

As I am doing NaNoWriMo this year, I figured I'd join the Know The Novel linkup this time around. So here we go!

The novel I'm planning on doing this year is one I've been working on for a really long time, but still have no name for yet, so it's just called Project Wales. I'm planning on taking this NaNoWriMo at a chill pace. I do still intend to try and reach the 50 000 words, but I'm not pressuring myself because I do have assignments to do as well. I'm more using this to get a good start on this story, rather than obsessing over the word count. So, hopefully I'll end the month as a NaNo winner, but if I don't hit the 50 000, I'll be happy with whatever I do end up with. 

Anyways! On with the linkup.

1. What first sparked the idea for this novel?

Oh boy. This idea’s been in the works for a long time and has gone through a lot of changes. It was originally a Victorian murder mystery idea, way back when, and honestly the only thing that’s stuck around since then is two of the characters' names, kind of. It’s hard to say what created what it is now, I’d say it’s a lot of factors. It’s been years honestly, and I’ve kept developing it and evolving it all that time. Now, it’s well whatever it is now.

2. Share a blurb (or just an overall summary if you’d prefer)!

When Jules Ridley - a young man with a mysterious ability to draw things he has never seen - returns to Carydrai University in North Wales for his second year, he fully intends to keep his head down and stay away from the magic at the fringes of Carydrai. That is, until he first draws, then meets Arthur Mulligan, a mysterious young man who speaks of a lost treasure that can grant you your heart’s greatest desire if only you find it. Arthur spins a convincing web and Jules cannot help but join him on his quest. But their group is not yet complete. 

It takes until the first-year students arrive for them to find the last pieces of the puzzle; Peri Gibson, a physically disabled girl with a way with words, and Kim Haneul, a Korean international student tormented by mysterious dreams. Once united, the four set off in search of the lost treasure of Merddyn Wyllt. 

But Carydrai has greater secrets than any of them know. As murders begin to occur throughout the town, will they survive to claim their prize? Or will the mysterious Golden Man find them first?

3. Where does the story take place? What are some of your favourite aspects about the setting?

It’s set initially in a fictional Welsh town called Carydrai, where magic blooms and dark secrets hide in the shadows. It kind of goes all over Wales and England though as the story goes on and the characters search for more clues to lead them to the treasure, and I’m so excited about it! 

I just love the eerie, magical nature of this world. I’ve been working on it for so long. I’m super passionate about Wales and specifically, this story draws from the Mabinogion as well as elements of Arthurian mythology and just general Welsh and English folklore. It’s supposed to be a bit creepy and a bit cosy and extremely magical. 

4. Tell us about your protagonist(s).

So I have three main protagonists in this first book; Jules, Haneul and Peri. The other main character is Arthur, but at this point in the series we don’t know much about him or his motivations. He’s super Mysterious. I’ll just quickly run through them, shall I? With the help of aesthetic boards I spent too long on.


INFP | 19 | Hufflepuff | magical artist | tol | wears all-black and thinks he's cool but is actually a Sensitive Bean | studying business at university even though he'd rather do literally anything else | has a really posh English accent | very sarcastic | emotional | can't cook, currently lives off instant noodles | carries jelly beans around with him everywhere | depressed


ENTP | 18 | Gryffindor | History student | Scouser | passionate | flighty | argumentative | refuses to tell anyone her full name | second-oldest of seven kids | protective to a fault | hot tempered | fiercely just | gardener who has won the prize at the local Agricultural Show for her Huge vegetables eight years running | physically disabled, has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome | feels like a burden on everyone around her


ISFJ | 19 | Hufflepuff | Zoology student | Korean | magical dreamer | loves animals with all of his heart | deeply loving older brother | altruistic to a fault | hyperempathic | gentle | has rock bottom self-esteem | severe insomniac, suffers from nightmares almost every night | socially awkward | afraid of change | anxious | actually on the autism spectrum, but doesn't know it yet


INTP | ? | Ravenclaw | has a Welsh accent | always wears wool | melodramatic | knows more than he's letting on??? | seems very sad sometimes | works at a magical coffee shop

5. Who (or what) is the antagonist?

The mysterious Golden Man. Can’t tell you much more than that though, a lot of spoilers surround this guy.

6. What excites you the most about this novel?

So much of this story excites me. So much. I just love the world and the characters and the themes, I’ve put so much of myself into this story already and I haven’t even properly started writing it yet. 

7. Is this going to be a series? standalone? something else?

It’ll be a series! Currently, I’m thinking a trilogy, but I’m actually not sure yet.

8. Are you plotting? pantsing? plansting?

Plansting mostly. I’ve done a lot of development for this story, and I have a whole page of notes and ideas roughly organised into chronological order, but I haven’t gone through and fully developed it all into scenes or chapters and a lot of it is subject to change. I’ve planned out the treasure clues a lot though and generally the mystery element needed a lot of planning and brainstorming. I have a lot of Thoughts and I’m not sure yet how much I’m revealing in this one, but I’ll figure it out as I go. 

9. Name a few unique elements about this story.

The world is unique, in my opinion. Like I said, I’ve drawn a lot from Welsh mythology and Welsh and English folklore for this world. I’ve also gone for a kind of interesting take on the contemporary fantasy realm where I haven’t actually completely hidden the magical world, it’s probably closer to magical realism in that way? I guess? I also think the characters are pretty unique, I’ve spent so long developing them that they’ve quite grown lives of their own. Another unique thing is that there's no romance in this novel, the main characters develop a very intense friendship with each other, but there's no romance whatsoever!

10. Share some fun “extras” of the story (a song or full playlist, some aesthetics, a collage, a Pinterest board, a map you’ve made, a special theme you’re going to incorporate, ANYTHING you want to share!).

Project Wales Aesthetic

old books - dark forests - crooked trees - libraries buried in the roots of trees - warm fires - tight hugs - ancient mysteries - dark alleyways - floating cups - loud laughter - worn sofas - corkboards with string - conspiracy theories - tingling at your fingertips - nighttime - flickering candle-light - friendship - espresso coffee - spinning compasses

As for playlists, here are a few songs for each MC that I personally feel fit them the best.


Pluto by Sleeping At Last

Still I’m pinned under the weight | Of what I believed would keep me safe. | So show me where my armour ends | Show me where my skin begins. | Like a final puzzle piece | It all makes perfect sense to me | The heaviness that I hold in my heart belongs to gravity | The heaviness that I hold in my heart’s been crushing me…

Side Effects by Stray Kids

My head hurts | I threw myself with trust in me | But why am I being swayed | I threw myself with trust in me | But why am I just being hurt | Wait a second, this is weird, my vision’s blurry | Why doesn’t it end? I keep hearing disturbing noises | Even here, I kept | Believing in winning over everything with my will to fight | Bravado can’t last anymore | Maybe it hurts more because I thought it’d be easy…

Zero by Imagine Dragons

Hello, hello | Let me tell you what it's like to be a zero, zero | Let me show you what it's like to always feel, feel | Like I'm empty and there's nothing really real, real | I'm looking for a way out | Hello, hello | Let me tell you what it's like to be a zero, zero | Let me show you what it's like to never feel, feel | Like I'm good enough for anything that's real, real | I'm looking for a way out… 

Zombie by Day6 (Korean Version)

What kind of day was it yesterday | Was there anything special | I’m trying to remember | But nothing much comes to mind…How do I get through this | Would things get better if I cry my heart out… I feel like I became a zombie | With an empty head and an empty heart | A scarecrow without a brain inside | Since when have I ended up like this? Oh why | I became a zombie | I walk on, drifting aimlessly | Tomorrow will be no different | I live counting the time ’til I close my eyes…


A Million Dreams from The Greatest Showman

'Cause every night, I lie in bed | The brightest colours fill my head | A million dreams are keeping me awake | I think of what the world could be | A vision of the one I see | A million dreams is all it's gonna take | Oh, a million dreams for the world we're gonna make…

Hey Brother by Avicii

Hey, brother | There's an endless road to rediscover. | Hey, sister | Do you still believe in love, I wonder? | Oh, if the sky comes falling down for you, | There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do…

Four by Sleeping At Last

But I've fallen in love with a ghost | And I lost my balance when I needed it most | This blurry photograph is proof | Of what I'm not sure but it feels like truth | I'm stuck swimming in shadows down here | It's been forever since I came up for air | Flashlight in hand determined to find | Authenticity only poetry could even begin to try to describe | Bodies fashioned out of dirt and dust | For a moment we get to be glorious…

The Upside by Lindsey Stirling (feat. Elle King)

Now I'm lost and I'm broken | Deep in like the ocean | Heart's been cut wide open | Changing and I know it | I'm seeing signs of you | When it's the only thing | That gets me through| On my way to the upside now | I'm on my way, on my way out | I don't know if I'm right side up | I'm inside out but I won't give up | On my way, I'm on my way…


Sunrise by GFRIEND

My burning heart will not hold on | I’ll send you all of me | So that you remember me | I’ll remember you in memory | Just wait and listen to me | I need you to come with me | I’m going to get you out of this darkness | The cold and radiant | Sunrise, sunrise | Look, look, it’s hiding | I’m never going back | Hold on to me | I’ve been waiting for you to start | From start to finish

Mixtape #3 by Stray Kids

You must have suffered a lot | Living as you tried to be awake | Time must have passed a lot | It’s on your face | You lost and won in the battle | With the numbers for 4380 days | Get out of the room that locked you all night | You really did a good job | Let’s only walk on the flowery path | I’ve run without a break | In the repeated tension | I chose a path that’s not easy | To make flowers bloom, they have to go through the winter | I hope I can see the fruits of the flowers…

Waving Through A Window from Dear Evan Hansen

On the outside always looking in | Will I ever be more than I've always been | Cause I'm tap, tap, tapping on the glass | Waving through a window | I tried to speak but nobody can hear | So I wait around for an answer to appear…When you're falling in a forest and there's nobody around | Do you ever really crash or even make a sound | Did I even make a sound | Did I even make a sound | It's like I never made a sound | Will I ever make a sound?…

Bird With A Broken Wing by Owl City

It's another night of the living dead | Like a viper bite in a spiderweb | It's so deathly dark in the alleyway | And a bleeding heart makes you easy prey | I would run and hide for the afternoon | With the butterfly in the panic room | Though I won't be missed, I would say it's time | For a different twist in the story line…

And with that, we're done! I'll probably be back to do the second part of the linkup in November. Bye!

Know The Novel - Introducing Project Broken Destiny

Guess who's back.  Know the Novel's back! Oh, and me, but that's a lot less interesting. Yes, the iconic novel linkup has return...