Saturday 11 December 2021

Know The Novel Part Three: It Is Written

Greetings. Guess who managed to finish this linkup this year. Very nearly not me, but here we are.

So, in case you're new here, this post is the final set of questions from Christine Smith's Know The Novel linkup. It's designed for those who are doing NaNoWriMo in November to talk about their novels, but it's open to anyone. I did the first set in October, and the second in November

Since my plan for this November was to do another 50k on my NaNo novel from last year, I did the first set of questions for a completely different story - my space opera Asteria which I'm currently editing - and then I did the second for my NaNo novel. For this set of questions, I'm continuing to talk about my NaNo novel - Project Wales. If you want my introductory post for this novel, here's my post from last year.

How did writing this novel go all around?

It actually went really well! I had a better time of it this year, albeit still with some rough patches. I managed to hit 50k on the 24th of November, which didn't quite beat my record from Camp NaNo earlier this year where I hit 50k by the 23rd but almost.

I still haven't fully finished this novel, but my goal is to pound out the last 14k or so by the end of the month, which should be plausible.

As for the writing itself, there were definitely some hard parts, but overall, I really enjoyed writing this novel. It's one of my favourite projects that I've worked on. I just adore everything about it. 

Did it turn out like you expected or completely different? And how do you feel about the outcome?

As I mentioned above, I technically haven't finished yet, so it's kind of hard to talk about the outcome, but I have written a lot of it, so I'll give it a go. 

Honestly, this novel has grown so much. It's over 130k now and it's. Still. Not. Finished. I'm pretty sure it's going to be like 145k for sure, and that's just. A whole thing. And might I add, that's with me probably skimping on some character development scenes. She's a beast.

For the most part, I've kept to the bare bones of my (very vaguely) outlined plot, but pretty much all of the details have changed. A lot has been taken out or moved to the next book, and a lot has been replaced by different, better scenes. The world has also fleshed itself out more as I wrote - which I'm very grateful for, given my Scrivener World-building folder was sitting at a measly 1k of vague notes prior to my starting this novel. That is typically how I prefer to work, I just don't find it easy to world-build in detail before I start writing and interacting with it, but it's still stressful starting a fantasy series without really understanding the world haha.

It's still very much a soft world-building world - and a soft magic system for that matter. Much more about atmosphere and Vibes than about iron-clad rules, which was my original intention, so that's great.

What aspect of the story did you love writing about the most? (Characters, plot, setting, prose, etc.)

I've said this before, but I just adore these characters so much. These kids are some of my favourite characters that I've ever written. They're the most chaotic squad of nerds I've ever seen and I love it. 

The plot needs a lot of work, but it has definitely come out better than I was expecting it too. I was really worried about whether or not the treasure-hunt aspect would come out really repetitive, and there definitely are scenes where that's an issue, but for the most part it's actually alright, I think. I tried to focus on creating new and unique parts of this fantasy world for my characters to go to and interact with for each clue, so it feels more like they're exploring than just going from one clue to another, and I think it actually worked alright. I also adore the intergenerational secrets aspect and all the mysteries. I haven't even revealed half of what I have planned for this series, but I'm already so excited about it.

I'm pretty happy with my prose for this novel. Yes, it has its issues, and oh boy does it need cutting down, but I think it mostly came out feeling right which was a really big part of my original concept. 

Like I said up there, the setting is going really well too. It's probably the part that's come out the best, I would say. I have significant issues with every other aspect of this novel, but the setting only has minor issues imo, which I'm delighted with.

How about your least favourite part?

Hmmm, difficult. I enjoyed every part really, but that doesn't mean that those parts didn't also have aspects I didn't enjoy. Like, I might be happy with my prose, but that doesn't mean there weren't whole sections where I was just pounding out words and hating every single one of them. I might adore these characters, but that doesn't mean that their character arcs aren't a mess

If I had to pick one least favourite element, I guess it's probably those big info-dumps I ended up having to do just to figure out the information for myself. There are a few scenes just ruined by these exposition dumps.

What do you feel like needs the most work?

Like I said, many, many issues in this novel. Peri just forgets she's supposed to have internal conflict for like the entire middle of the novel. Haneul has no midpoint whatsoever and his best friend just materialises at like 100k words into the novel having never been mentioned prior to that. The mystery element remembers it exists like 80k words in. Big problems.

I'd say overall, it's probably plot and structure that are the biggest problems right now. Most of the other issues are in some way caused by that, I'd say. If the story was structured properly, then my character arc issues would be solved, but rip to structure I guess.

How do you feel about your characters now? Who’s your favourite? Least favourite? Anyone surprise you? Give us all the details!

I absolutely adore my characters. They're so much fun to write! Just a bunch of absolute nerds having fun messing around with magic and magical creatures. I love them. 

Peri - Still a delight to write. Probably jokes way too much, especially when she's having a hard time at which point the jokes just reach critical level. Always down to pick a fight, especially when it is obvious to absolutely everyone that she has no way of winning. Super smart, but pretends to not be for no discernible reason. As I've written her, I've begun to suspect she has ADHD tbh.

As for surprises, I was honestly surprised by how hard her character is to get down. She's very stubborn and refuses to actually acknowledge how she's feeling even to herself, which makes her a hard character to really understand. 

Haneul - Absolute sweetheart. Cares so much about everyone, but is so freaking scared of caring so much about anything, because he's very used to losing what he loves. My guy also needs to stop shutting people down the second they show they care about him. Someone expresses concern for him and he's just like 'haha, goodbye'. His self-esteem....needs a lot of help. 

He surprised me in that he's actually even more of a mess than I though he would be. Like, I knew my guy had some problems, but he's actually so freaking sad. Child. Bud. Get some help. I was also surprised by how easy he was to get to know once I got past my initial issues. He used to be the hardest.

Jules - Snarky legend. Still very much depressed, but ironically probably has the healthiest coping mechanisms of this squad, which says a lot because he's living in an abusive situation and refusing to get out because he doesn't think he can exist outside of his family. So that's fun. He's super fun to write because he's so freaking snarky, which, incidentally, is one of the things that really surprised me about him.

He's way more snarky than I thought he'd be. And he's just generally more assertive and more prone to mediating between everyone than I thought was going to be his role. He's normally the one restraining everyone else and looking out for everyone, quietly, making sure people don't do anything too stupid.

Arthur - Raging disaster son. Gets a strict allotment of one(1) good, intelligent decision per decade. Straight up locked himself in his home for two weeks over a setback at one point in this novel. Haneul had to go and physically force food on him. Has so many psychological issues, of which precisely zero are in any way dealt with - or even acknowledged. Wouldn't know good communication if it hit him over the head.

What’s your next plan of action with this novel?

Well, first of all, I need to finish it haha. Once that's done, I'm going to put it away for a while and work on my other projects, and then I'll start edits. I'll probably try and get started on the next novel in the series too, maybe that'll be my NaNo novel next year, I'm not sure yet. It's a three-part story, essentially, which means it's probably best if I try and get them all written sooner rather than later so I can make sure everything is consistent.

If you could have your greatest dream realised for this novel, what would it be?

Publication, absolutely. 

I'm kind of worried about trying to make it my debut novel, given it kind of has to be a series. In all my research about querying agents, everyone says to say your book is a standalone with series potential if you must query a series, but Project Wales is literally incapable of not being a series. Most plot threads don't get properly resolved in this book. I'm not sure what to do yet, I might try and complete one of my other fantasy projects that actually is a standalone to start off with, but I'm not sure yet. I'm really just praying about the whole thing and seeing where God leads me in relation to it.

Share some of your favourite snippets!

Ahh, snippets! Exciting. Just let me go try and find some new snippets.

Snippet #1

‘So how do we get in contact with Arthur?’ Peri asked, ‘Does he have a phone?’

‘I don’t know,’ Jules said with a shrug, ‘I assume he does. I haven’t got his number yet if he does, I’ve only known him for a week and I guess it didn’t come up. He always finds me.’

‘Ah,’ Peri hummed, ‘That to do with his weird ‘drawn to places and people’ thing.’

‘I think so,’ Jules folded his sketchbook over to close it, and slid it under his jacket, hugging it to his chest. ‘Though he’s never actually said that.’

‘He does like his ambiguity, doesn’t he?’ Peri said in amusement.

‘He definitely does,’ Jules rolled his eyes, ‘Like I said, I’ve only known him for a week, but I’m pretty sure he’s actually the most ridiculously dramatic and unnecessarily cryptic person I’ve ever met.’

‘That checks out,’ Peri said with a laugh. 

A shadow fell over them and Jules looked up to see Arthur, his coat being blown in the wind. ‘Oh, there you are,’ Arthur said. ‘I was looking for you both.’

Peri burst into laughter at the sight of him and Jules couldn’t help but join in. Arthur looked very bemused. ‘I don’t understand why I’m a source of such hilarity,’ he said, visibly a little annoyed, ‘But can you both calm down a little bit?’

Peri held up one hand, trying to stop laughing but failing miserably. ‘Sorry, Arthur,’ she managed to get out. ‘Just…’ she was off in a flood of laughter again.

‘Sorry, sorry,’ Jules managed to calm himself down a bit, before the sight of Arthur - honestly, truly - pouting set him off again. 

Arthur made a face at them. ‘You’re both children,’ he informed them flatly as he came over to Jules. ‘If you will laugh at me, you could at least budge over a bit,’ he told Jules.

Jules held up his hands and shifted over a little, so Arthur actually had enough room to sit next to him. Arthur sat, looking very put-out. 

It took another minute or so for both Jules and Peri to stop laughing, and Arthur pouted the entire time. Finally, they both subsided and Peri leaned forward so she could see Arthur more clearly.

‘Do you have a mobile? Cause it’d probably be easier to arrange where and when we’re meeting than just relying on whatever freaky psychic thingie you have going on.’

Arthur just looked at her. ‘I don’t have one,’ he said.

Jules turned to stare at him. ‘You don’t?’ 

Peri seemed equally astounded. ‘Mate, how old are you? Are you, like, actually eighty? Is that why you dress like a grandad, cause you’re actually ancient but just look mega-young cause Magic.’

Jules could literally hear the capitalisation of the last word there. But he agreed with the sentiment. How could Arthur be living in the 21st century without a mobile phone? He could at least have a pay-as-you-go one, those were easy enough to get.

Arthur just shrugged. ‘I’ve never needed one.’

‘What about keeping in contact with your family and friends and stuff?’ Peri asked, turning so she was sitting sideways and crosslegged on the bench, facing towards Jules and Arthur. ‘Don’t you need one for that?’

‘I don’t have any friends,’ Arthur said, ‘Nor do I have family. It’s just me. Why would I need one?’

He said it so calmly, as though it wasn’t a huge deal that he had no family or friends, that he was completely alone. It was as if he was saying ‘grass is green’ or ‘I dress like a grandad’, like it was just a fact of life, something he had no emotional reaction to at all. Like he’d been alone for so long that he had long since gotten used to it. 

Not for the first time since meeting him, Jules wondered what kind of life Arthur Mulligan had lived to create the person he now was.

Peri looked equally as horrified as Jules felt, but she covered it up fairly quickly. ‘Well,’ she said, ‘You have friends now. So you need a mobile phone. Before we go any further, we’re taking you to buy a phone.’

Arthur stared at her, then at Jules, then back at Peri again. ‘Uh,’ he said, ‘Okay.’

Snippet #2

There was a long pause, before Haneul shook his head and sat up straighter. ‘Anyway, is this place seriously made out of tree root? How does that work?’

Recognising an attempt to change the subject, Peri sat back and ran her fingers over the wall. ‘It’s so cool,’ she offered, in her opinion very valuably, but none of the others looked very impressed by her addition.

‘We’re actually under a real tree,’ Arthur said, drumming his fingers on the table absently as he talked. ‘If we went to the same spot up above, you’d see this gigantic tree. Locals call her Old Woman Oak. She’s been standing up there for over a thousand years, watching over the town as it grew. Or so the legends say. Most people just see her as a big historic tree up above, but she’s actually home to a lot more than just this coffee shop. Old Woman Oak is home to Carydrai’s fairy market, appearing every fortnight. I’ll take you to it sometime, but you need to be really careful if we do,’ Arthur made a face, ‘The fey do love trapping humans and their markets are dangerous.’

Peri blinked. ‘Are they really that dangerous?’

‘I’ve known of people who got trapped forever because they made the wrong move at a fairy market,’ Arthur said flatly.

Peri ahhed at that. ‘Right. Okay. No wrong moves. Got it.’

Arthur shook his head, but he couldn’t help but laugh despite clearly trying not to. ‘I dread to think what kind of nonsense you’d get up to at a fairy market.’

‘Excuse me,’ Peri said primly. ‘I wouldn’t get up to any nonsense. I never get up to nonsense. I am thoroughly non-nonsensical in nature, I’ll have you know.’

‘How alliterative of you,’ said Arthur.

‘I have been known to be rather alliterative when the mood strikes me,’ Peri said.

‘Like a bowling ball to the face,’ Jules added, completely unhelpfully.

Peri kicked him under the table. He made a face, but subsided. 

‘Anyway,’ Peri said, ‘How do we order?’

‘I’ll go through and order from the counter. There are wait staff here, that’s what I do normally, but I always prefer to go order myself whenever I come here,’ Arthur said, as he reached for the pile of laminated papers in the centre of the table, ‘These are the menus, here.’ He handed them out, giving one to each of the other three before taking one for himself. ‘Have whatever you want. I’ll pay for it, it’s my treat.’

Jules immediately started looking over the menu. Haneul looked down at his menu and then back up at Arthur then back down at the menu again, biting his lip but saying nothing. He looked like he was debating with himself about something.

‘You’re playing a dangerous game here,’ Peri informed Arthur seriously. ‘I have been called the Black Hole.’

Arthur raised an eyebrow. ‘Somehow I’m not that intimidated.’

Snippet #3

It was dark when Haneul opened his eyes. His body was mist, almost nonexistent. All around him was shadow and cold, sending daggers of ice deep into his soul. 

The darkness shifted and slipped around him like a fog so thick that it blinded him, before it peeled away, revealing a room. A study, it looked like, filled with books, old papers and ancient artefacts. 

A man stood in the centre of the room; so tall that his head almost brushed the ceiling light about him that lit up the room with a faint yellow glow. His skin was extremely pale, to the point of appearing almost blue. Veins stood out on his bare hands. His hair was black like coal, carefully styled with too much hair-gel.

His perfectly-tailored black suit seemed to blend in with itself, giving him the look of a long shadow, and his black Oxford shoes were so well-shined that the light was reflected perfectly in them. Everything about him was immaculate, in stark contrast to the room around him.

‘Morrey!’ the man shouted, turning around. For the first time, Haneul caught a glimpse of his face. If he had actually been physically present, he might’ve fallen backwards.

On the surface, his face seemed like that of any other man in his mid-30s, perhaps even a good-looking one, but that was not the first thing that struck him. 

No, the first thing Haneul saw were his terrible, black eyes; hollow and dead like this man had died a very long time ago and now he was nothing more than a ghost haunting his own flesh and bone. His face - that on any other person would look human - looked more like a sick facsimile of humanity; his pale skin was stretched across his high cheekbones like too little pastry over a too-large pie and his lips were almost as pale as his skin.

Haneul instinctively quailed under his gaze. It was ridiculous, the man couldn’t see him, Haneul wasn’t really here. This was a dream, nothing more, he was an onlooker not a participant. 

So why did it feel like the man was looking straight at him?

Something was wrong. This man was wrong. Haneul could feel it, feel his wrongness crawling inside of him and gnawing away at his soul, like maggots devouring a decaying corpse.

It was a little like Arthur felt, though Arthur was nowhere near as bad. Arthur was human, there was just a sense of death and wrongness to him, like he wasn’t quite right. This man wasn’t just not-right; the wrongness emanated from every atom in his long body. Where Arthur had a faint spectre of death leaning over him, touching him, like it was ready to take him at any time; this man’s spectre was all around him, inside of him, like it had tried many times before to take him, but had failed and now belonged entirely to him.

Haneul had never seen or felt anything like it before. Every part of him trembled and he fought against the fog surrounding him, holding him in place. 

‘Please!’ he tried to scream, but he had no mouth with which to speak and the attempt only made the fog pierce deeper inside of him, ‘Please! Let me out! Let me out!’

But the dream would not release its grip on him and he watched as the man straightened up to his full height and called again. ‘Morrey!’

His voice slithered through the air and the door swung open. 

‘Yes, Master. I’m here, Master.’ The voice belonged to a much shorter man who looked to be in his early-30s. He was as thin as a stick insect and had a mop of dark hair atop his head. Grey eyes much like Jules’ stared at the wood floor, never daring to look up at the man he called Master. He was also dressed in a suit, but his was navy and seemed much drabber, the sleeves were threadbare and blue patches were dotted all over it, doing their best to blend in with the material but failing.

Haneul felt the icy fear release a little as he looked at Morrey. This man was human. This man wasn’t wrong.

‘Morrey,’ said his master. Almost against his will, Haneul shivered. ‘Have you finished packing my luggage?’

Morrey kept his eyes down. ‘Yes, Master,’ he said, ‘It’s all in the car.’

The man let out a low, creaking sound and it took a moment for Haneul to process that he was laughing. ‘Good. We leave in the morning. For now, call the fey, Morrey. I have an important job for him. Aaron has ignored my requests, it is time that I remind him of what happens to those who defy me.’

Morrey flinched so minutely and so quickly that Haneul almost thought he’d imagined it. ‘Yes, Master,’ was all he said, bowing deeply before backing out of the room.

Finally, Haneul felt the dream pulling him away. As he was pulled backwards, his eyes caught the man’s directly. He seemed to be staring straight at Haneul; his cold, dead eyes awfully aware.

Icy fear rushed through Haneul, freezing his mind as the man smiled a terrible smile. ‘Hello there,’ the man’s voice was horrifyingly genial, as though they had met casually at a coffee shop, ‘I know you are there, whoever you are. Do not play games with me, little dreamer. If you return here again, I promise that I will find you and I will kill you.’ His smile widened, revealing perfectly white, completely straight teeth. ‘Believe me. I always keep my promises.’

The world around Haneul faded, but the last thing to disappear into the thick fog were those terrible eyes...

still staring

still watching


Snippet #4

Haneul glanced around as Peri led them into the living room and then gestured to the sofa for them to sit down. It was a cosy house. The front door led into a narrow hall, with a flight of stairs sitting along the left side. The living room was the next room down, a door leading off into it. An archway in the backwall led into the kitchen. 

The living room was fairly small, with a turquoise embroidered fabric sofa along one wall and a matching love seat under the windowsill along the left wall. Cushions sat at various spots all over the sofas, several piled high at the end. Bookshelves took up much of the wall space, sitting behind the sofa even where they were really being blocked from use. A coffee table sat in the centre, much of its surface littered with used mugs and magazines and toys. The walls were a creamy blue and the floor was black carpet. A toybox sat in the corner, but it can’t have been very full since most of the toys were out and all over the floor. 

A little boy who looked just like Peri sat chewing on the ear of a little bunny teddy. He stared up at them with big eyes as they sat down. ‘This is Barnaby,’ said Peri cheerfully. ‘He’s my youngest sibling.’

‘Hello!’ An enthusiastic, loud voice came from the door. In strode a short woman with bright blue-dyed hair and a beaming dimpled smile, that crinkled the cream skin around her grey eyes in laughter lines. ‘Peri, you didn’t tell us we were having visitors. Are you both friends of Peri?’

‘Yes, from university,’ said Haneul.

‘I didn’t know,’ said Peri, smiling and rolling forward on the balls of her feet. She didn’t look at the woman as she spoke. ‘They just turned up.’

‘Ah, well.’ The woman’s face fell as she looked at Peri for a moment, before she smiled again and turned to Haneul and Arthur. ‘Well, never mind all that. I’m Peri’s mum, Maribelle. It’s nice to meet you both. What are your names?’

‘I’m Haneul,’ Haneul said, restraining himself from bowing instinctively.

‘Arthur,’ said Arthur, who was looking at Peri oddly. 

‘What lovely names. Are you both History students as well?’ Peri’s mother asked. Her accent was different to Peri’s, sounding a little closer to Arthur’s, though not really even that.

‘No, I’m a Zoology student,’ Haneul said.

‘I’m doing a Masters in Philosophy,’ Arthur said.

‘How did you all meet then?’ Peri’s mother asked curiously, tilting her head to the side. 

‘Well,’ started Arthur, but Peri interrupted him.

‘A club,’ she said. ‘The…heritage of Carydrai club. We all met there.’

‘You did?’ Peri’s mother tilted her head to the side. ‘Oh, how marvellous. Alright,’ she said, clapping her hands together. ‘All of you sit, I’ll make some drinks and snacks. Who wants tea?’

After getting their various orders – Arthur was for tea, Peri and Haneul for coffee, and Barnaby for a Fruit Shoot, as he announced very loudly once they were all done saying what they wanted – Peri’s mother left the room.

Peri dropped down into the loveseat and poked at Barnaby with her toe. ‘Go play somewhere else,’ she said. ‘Adults are talking.’

‘You’re mean,’ Barnaby said, taking his bunny’s ear out of his mouth just long enough to deliver this information.

‘Yeah, I’m mean, and I’m your big sister, so scoot. Go hang out with Agatha.’

Barnaby scowled but didn’t protest any longer. He picked up his bunny and ran out of the room. 

Peri turned back to Haneul and Arthur. ‘Alright,’ she said. ‘Let’s get started. Give me all the details. What happened?’

And so they began their retelling. Arthur said how Jules had first drawn and then pushed the drawing of Oliver under the door. Haneul said that he had recognised Oliver, and then how they’d figured out that he must’ve donated the artefact. After that, it was a simple case of explaining how they’d located it.

Peri sat back at the end, looking impressed. ‘Wow,’ she said. ‘Great job, guys. So, how do we get to it?’


‘We…hadn’t exactly thought about that,’ Arthur admitted. ‘I was just happy we got this far, honestly.’

Peri looked at him, then at Haneul. ‘Seriously?’

‘In our defence,’ said Haneul. ‘We only figured this out last night. It’s not been very long.’

Peri eyed him and then shook her head. ‘Well, first things first. How are we going to get to it? It’ll probably be on display. What if we need to touch it? What if we need the magnifying glass?’

‘Well, first,’ said Arthur. ‘I think we should just go have a look at it. See what we think we need to do. We can better form a plan of action once we get a good look at it.’

Haneul nodded. ‘I think that makes sense.’

‘Alright then,’ said Peri. ‘We should get going. We need to get a looksee at this artefact.’

‘Who wants ice cream?’ Peri’s mother called down the hall.


‘We need to have ice cream,’ Peri amended her plan. ‘And then we need to get going. I’ll have rum and raisin, Mum!’ she yelled. ‘Haneul and Arthur both want some too!’


A few minutes later, Peri’s mother brought three bowls of ice cream and three drinks out. They all set to work on eating and drinking their way through it, while Peri’s mother yelled, ‘Kids! Ice cream!’ up the stairs. Immediately, pounding came from above and down the stairs as a flood of children and teenagers raced down and into the kitchen.

Haneul stopped eating for long enough to say. ‘How many siblings do you have?’

‘Eight,’ said Peri. ‘Why?’

Both Haneul and Arthur stared at her for a moment. 

‘I thought I had it bad with one,’ said Haneul flatly.

The others burst out laughing at that. From the kitchen, Haneul could hear shouting and chatter, as the three set back to eating. 

Did you glean any new writing and/or life lessons from writing this novel?

1) Writing three POVs is hard, but fun. I really enjoyed getting to write multiple viewpoints and getting to play with different characters knowing different things and keeping things from each other. It was really challenging though. It's hard to keep it all straight and remember who knows what, and it's hard to make sure that each character gets equal page-time and each develops properly. It's easy to lose track of it.

2) Communication is important. Seeing my idiot kids getting into so much trouble because they just won't communicate their feelings or anything with each other, really has reminded me how important it is to talk to the people you care about and share how you're feeling about stuff, rather than letting it fester away inside of you.

3) It was through this novel that I realised the importance of praying before writing and asking God to use my writing and to help me to glorify Him through my work. It's so important - and it actually helps too! - so I'm really happy I finally realised this and made it a priority.

And that, my friends, is it! My goal remains completing this novel by the end of December, so we'll see how that ends up going. If I succeed, I'll make a post on New Year's Day talking about it. 

How has your November gone? Did you guys succeed in whatever goals you had for the month? Comment below and let me know!

Saturday 20 November 2021

Know The Novel: Within Project Wales

Hello all!

Much to everyone's disappointment, here I am again, with the second part of the Know The Novel linkup that I last completed back in October for my novel, Asteria. In that post, I told you guys all about my novel, Asteria, a space opera I completed the first draft of back in 2018 and am now editing, and I discussed my plans for NaNoWriMo this year, specifically to complete the novel I started last NaNoWriMo, Project Wales. You can find the original post for Project Wales: here. Just to be clear, even though I used the first part for Asteria, the main updates I'm giving here are for Project Wales, since that's what I'm working on for NaNoWriMo. 

Now, after three weeks of writing like an absolute Mad Lad, I'm back, to give you all an update on what's been going on and how my novel's going. This year I've been making recaps for each week of NaNoWriMo and posting them right here on this blog. If you're interested, you can find Week 1 here and Week 2 here.

Without further ado, let's go!

How’s the writing going overall?

deeply beautiful chart, i love it, it prettyyyyy

Actually, pretty well! I wrote the most in the first week, as is pretty typical for me, but even through my slightly rougher period in weeks two and three, I actually still got quite a lot done. 

Stayed ahead of the line all the way through, love that for me. I took Sundays off this NaNoWriMo and didn't write at all on those days, but other than that, I managed to keep up a streak of at least a thousand words a day, which I'm happy with.

Today, I hit 45k of NaNo words, as you can see here.

On my novel generally, I have a whole 125k!

she a beaut

With this recent chapter, we're really starting to get into the thick of Act 3. Stuff is happening, my guys.

So yes, this NaNo is going pretty dang well. I'm really happy with how everything's going. I've been making the effort to normally pray before starting a major writing session and asking for help, and I really think He is helping me, so I give the glory to God, of course.

What’s been the most fun aspect about writing this novel so far?

My characters remain just. So much fun to write. Their relationships really start building in this second half, and we start getting some solid Conflict too, so I've really been enjoying that.

see this snippet i shared in week 1 wherein my kids are starting to tentatively become close friends

Other than that, this world remains one of my favourites I've ever written in. It has its issues, yes, of course it does, but as a whole, it's coming out so well. It's so creepy and cosy and magical. I'm having so much fun just digging into British folklore to get inspiration - and there's so much about it that keeps blindsiding me. It's so much fun to write in, I'm loving it.

What do you think of your characters at this point? Who’s your favourite to write about?

Ah, yes, the old nightmare children. I love them, I really do. They are, however, somewhat challenging to write. Let's go through them.

Peri - She's absolutely nuts, my lads. Her chapters are very fun to write; she's very entertaining. There's a lot of humour in her POV, and that's always a good time. She is, however, a bit of a nightmare in some ways. Specifically, in character development ways. 

I'm really struggling to fully connect to her. She's very much the kind of person who keeps her feelings somewhere deep inside of her and never admits to them, not to anyone. Not even me, and I'm the writer. Her character arc is kind of nonexistent. Every so often, she just remembers she's supposed to have internal conflict. It's rough out here.

Haneul - He's a strange character to write. If you remember last year, Haneul was one of the hardest POVs to write from. I really, really struggled to connect to him at first. He was also the one that I impulse-gender-switched at the beginning of NaNo 2020, only to promptly change him back to a boy at the end, resulting in many months of rewriting his POV. But, as much as that was frustrating to have to do, I think it's resulted in his POV being much stronger overall. I've finally cracked him, I think. I get him now. 

That doesn't stop him being strange. He's very gentle and mild-mannered, has a lot of emotion but is terrible at expressing it, cares deeply but only shows it via acts of service, that kind of person. Also! Turns out, there's way more of the old intergenerational secrets and mysteries coming out in this book than I was planning for his story. His family has a lot of mystery to unpack and get into, and I was expecting most of it to be in the next book, but there's a lot coming out as I write. It's been super fun.

Jules - My boy. My sad, sad boy. He is...not having a fun time, but at least he has...I don't know. He's very snarky, that's fun. I don't think I'm quite capturing the essence of an artist when I'm writing from his POV, so that's something I'll have to work on in the old edits. His family still sucks and I Do Not Like. He's about to get hit with some major character development-worthy revelations so we'll see how that goes.

I am struggling with him as well. Not as much as with Peri, seeing as how he actually does have a character arc and a midpoint and all of that good stuff. I've had some really good scenes from his POV, really digging in to what makes him tick and pushing him to the edge, but there's just as many scenes where it's all surface-level and a bit bland. So there's a lot to fix in editing.

Arthur - Still a mystery. Still a nerd. Has actually become more of a mess as I've written him more. Has more psychological issues than you could shake a stick at. Is probably just straight-dissociating for like ninety percent of this novel. I will once again re-state that so many of the problems in this novel would be solved if Arthur Mulligan possessed a baseline capacity for Communication that wasn't purely in riddles and cryptic, unreadable comments.

Has your novel surprised you in any way?

A basilisk showed up in Chapter Seventeen. That was an absolute hoot. Haneul got like 70% more traumatised from that encounter. 

Other than that, there's been quite a few surprise events or appearances that I didn't plan for. The last third had the loosest 'planning' of all, it was literally three separate plot points, one of which I cut, that were connected by 'i dunno they find a thing that leads them to next thing'. It was wild.

There's also been a lot of times where I was surprised by the way planned events ended up going, see basilisk. And I had a lot of fun with settings in this half. I mostly just had a vague idea of the folklore creatures I wanted to appear in a given place and where that was going to lead them next in the treasure hunt, but when I actually wrote the settings, they filled themselves out and became so much more detailed, it was so much fun.

Have you come across any problem areas?

Like I said, I've had major character issues, so that's going to be fun trying to fix. I can't fix it until I know where I'm going though, so it'll have to be a second draft change (the life of a pantser). I also just have a lot of...conveniences moving the plot along. There are several points where I need to make it more difficult for my characters to achieve things. I'm also a little worried about how much I'm revealing with the mystery? I think I might need to cut down on some of it, so it's better paced, but I'm still figuring it all out right now, so I'll know better once I've actually written the reveals haha. We shall see.

What’s been your biggest victory with writing this novel at this point?

As of right now, I'm on track to possibly finish this whole novel in November, which was my original goal. That, I'm thinking, is going to take me another 10k beyond the final 50k mark. I'm on track for that, which is a big victory for me. Hopefully, I'll be able to maintain momentum and push through to completion. I have had a bit of a problem in the past with hitting 50k and then immediately losing all motivation and momentum for that story, so hopefully that won't happen this time round.

Other than that, I'm just really happy with how it's all turning out. Yes, there are major problems, but it's probably the best first draft I've ever written, so I'm really happy. 

If you were transported into your novel and became any one of the characters, which one do you think you’d be? Would you take any different actions than they have?

Hmmm. Honestly, I wouldn't like to be any of my main characters for this novel. None of them lead particularly happy lives. I'd probably want to be Peri. Yes, she has EDS, but I also have that so I'd at least know how to cope with it. She has a great, loving family to go along with it, so I'd be alright. Wouldn't like to be Haneul, what with his horrific dreams tormenting him every night, or Jules with his abusive family. And Arthur's just. A whole mess. No one wants to be Arthur. Not even Arthur wants to be Arthur.

If I was Peri, I'd probably get her to act on her suspicions more and to be more open with the others. And I'd get her to talk out her problems with her family; she's very prone to just bottling up her feelings and frustrations until they explode out of her, so I'd make her talk it out. 

Give us the first sentence or paragraph then 2 (or 3!) more favourite snippets!

Okay! I did give the first sentence of this whole novel last year, but I'll give it again just in case you haven't read that one. Then I'll give the first line I wrote for NaNo this year.

First Sentence of Novel

'The painted faces of his parents over the mantlepiece scared Jules Ridley. They always had.'

First Sentence of NaNoWriMo 2021

'Jules woke up to a painfully familiar ceiling.

Specifically, his bedroom ceiling. Not his room at the Halls; the space that he’d carved out for himself in between all the terror and the hopelessness of last year, the place where his sketches, pencils and singular sketch pad could be left out on full display with no fear of reprisal, but his bedroom

He’d almost forgotten about last night.'

Snippet #1 - feat. family and friends, also arch-nemeses

'Haneul immediately grabbed up his laptop and turned it on, opening Facetime and tapping on Seungyong’s name. It rang once, before she answered.

His sister appeared – dressed in a Seventeen merch hoodie and white jogging trousers, with her hair up in an untidy ponytail – sitting cross-legged on the sofa in their house. Her assistance dog – Kimchi – lay with her head on Seungyong’s lap, snoozing. ‘Oppa!’ Seungyong cried excitedly. 

Kimchi shifted, opening one annoyed eye to glare up at Seungyong. Seungyong didn’t notice. ‘We haven’t talked in ages,’ she complained. ‘You’ve been so busy. What’ve you been up to? Have you met anyone cool? Did you learn anything?’

‘We talked yesterday,’ said Haneul flatly. ‘And before I answer any of that, what’s going on with you and Minhyuk?’

Seungyong stuck her bottom lip out and a laugh came from off-screen.

Haneul face-palmed. ‘Minhyuk. You’re right there, aren’t you?’

‘Duh.’ Minhyuk appeared and dropped down right next to Seungyong, on the other side to Kimchi. He looked much the same as he had two months ago when Haneul had bidden him goodbye – his dark hair was still long and bound back in a pony-tail, he still wore the studded leather jacket Haneul had bought him for his birthday two years ago. ‘Your sister’s a brat. Here I am, just trying to do right by my best friend and she’s whining.’

‘He won’t leave me alone,’ whined Seungyong. ‘He’s always here, trying to help with my school-work even though he’s dumber than I am!’

‘I take offence to that,’ Minhyuk said, as though he hadn’t been solidly at the bottom of their class for all four years of high school. ‘That’s rude. I’m helping.’

‘Oh yeah? Who was king after Sejong the Great?’ Seungyong snapped back.

Minhyuk stopped short. ‘Erm. Probably another ‘jong’?’

‘See?’ Seungyong turned her pleading face on Haneul. ‘Oppa, tell him to go away. Ever since you asked him to keep an eye on me, he’s been driving me mad. If you don’t, I won’t be held responsible for murdering him.’'

Snippet #2 - feat. friends and sandwiches

'Peri sighed and pushed off the windowsill, turning to get dressed and take her medication. She made her way out to the kitchen and, upon finding Haneul eating a delicious-looking fried egg sandwich, face-planted on the table next to him. 

He glanced down at her, raising an eyebrow. ‘Is there a problem?’

Peri moaned. ‘Rain.’

‘Yes, it is raining outside, how astute of you to notice,’ said Haneul flatly. 

Peri shoved him. ‘Shut up,’ she said, making a face at him. ‘You’re going to have to walk in it as well. See how you feel then.’

Haneul sighed, putting down his sandwich. ‘Yes, well,’ he said. ‘We’ll just have to…wrap up really, really warm.’

‘You suck,’ said Peri. She eyed his sandwich. ‘Oi, let me have a try,’ she said, poking him in the side. 

‘Of my sandwich?’

‘What else?’

Haneul shrugged at that and pushed the other half at her. ‘One bite. If you like it, I’ll make you one, you’re not stealing mine.’

‘Says you,’ Peri said. She picked it up and took a bite. Immediately, delicious flavour burst in her mouth. It was sweet and savoury at the same time, perfectly crispy. ‘Mmmm! It’s so good!’ she said, putting the rest of the sandwich down because for all she liked to mess around, no one messed with a person’s sandwich. That was, like, the number one rule of life.

‘You like it?’ Haneul’s smile reached his ears. ‘It’s called gaeran tost-u. Do you want me to make you some?’

‘Please!’ Peri grinned at him and limpeted onto his arm. ‘I’ll be your best friend, forever, if you do.’

Haneul paused, looking thoughtful. ‘On second thoughts, maybe I’d better not.’

Peri made a noise of outrage and shoved at him. ‘Oi. I’ll have you know, I have people lining up to be my best friend.’

‘Sure,’ said Haneul.'

Snippet #3 - feat. Cerberus

‘Guys!’ cried Haneul.

Peri turned towards his voice instinctively, only to stop short despite the ever-present threat of Cerberus behind her.

A griffin. He was sitting on a griffin.

‘What…what on earth, Haneul?’ Arthur had stopped too and was staring blankly at Haneul. ‘How…what?’

‘He’s a good boy, really,’ said Haneul cheerfully. ‘I found an aisle with bird treats. And cat treats. Mixed them together and, boom, pet griffin.’ He stopped and frowned. ‘Erm, you guys are aware of the slobbering three-headed dog behind you, right?’

Peri turned, already resigned. Sure enough, right behind her stood the Cerberus himself, still slobbering, still glaring. But politely waiting for their conversation to finish, which was respectable. He might be a murderous three-headed dog, but at least he had manners.

Arthur grabbed Peri’s arm and they started off again, racing towards Haneul, who patted the griffin’s neck, murmuring something. The griffin preened and bounded towards them.

The pounding behind stopped as the griffin passed them. ‘Here boy!’ Haneul said, in the cutesiest voice Peri had ever heard. ‘Or…boys…Good boys, yes, you are, you’re such good boys, yes you are, yes you are…’

‘He’s saving our lives but this is sickening,’ said Peri.

The sound of licking came from behind them. Peri and Arthur both came to a stop, turning to stare at all three of the Cerberus’ heads attempting to lick Haneul all at once. ‘Oh, he’s just a big puppy,’ said Haneul, clearly having the absolute time of his life.

Peri shook her head. ‘Zoologists.’

‘Indeed,’ said Arthur.

Panting came from the aisle a few feet away and, seconds later, Jules inched into view. And he, to be quite frank, looked absolutely awful. He was soaked and there were scratches along his face and neck. He reached them and looked around, exhaustedly preparing to fight. 

He caught sight of Haneul with the griffin and the Cerberus and promptly gave up the ghost, dropping to the ground and sitting cross-legged, staring vacantly at the floor.

‘…You okay?’ Peri asked slowly. ‘What happened?’

‘You don’t want to know,’ said Jules with the tone of one who had Seen Things.'

I love my kids. Also, it's a complete coincidence that Jules started off both of my NaNoWriMos for this novel. What a guy.

Share an interesting tidbit about the writing process so far! (For example: Have you made any hilarious typos? Derailed from your outline? Killed off a character? Changed projects entirely? Anything you want to share!)

What little outline I did have, I have rather rapidly derailed from. I've been making big cuts and changes from my original rough series of ideas. There've also been several scenes where I started writing, wrote like a thousand words, then realised I needed to throw all of that out. So, rather than cutting it all and losing NaNo words, I've taken to italicising the scenes I know I don't want to keep in my document, so I can still count them but I know they're not part of the novel anymore.

Take us on a tour of what a normal writing day for this novel looks like. Where do you write? What time of day? Alone or with others? Is a lot of coffee (or some other drink) consumed? Do you light candles? Play music? Get distracted by social media (*cough, cough*)? Tell all!

On a normal day, I'd come downstairs, have lunch, and then spend ages trying to push myself to write whilst watching stuff on Youtube and screaming at myself internally, before finally managing to make myself do it and pushing through to write my words for the day. I only write in the afternoon nowadays. Even those times when I've gotten up earlier, I've not written anything until the afternoon so yeah. Mornings are just not my thing, at all.

I normally re-read what I wrote yesterday before writing so I can get back into the right headspace, and like I said earlier, recently, I've been really trying to pray before a writing session and asking for help and guidance, so I normally do that too beforehand.

I always play my playlist for this novel whenever I start writing, or I try to. It helps get me immediately in the zone. I've spent absolute yonks curating it, now it's a long boy. Yes, I spend too much time on Spotify, no, you can't judge me.

behold! a giant playlist. 234 songs! one of my biggest, i do believe, though not quite my actual biggest

I drink entirely too much coffee while writing. At least I normally keep myself from drinking coffee after four in the afternoon, so there's that. But I have broken that rule a few times just to get my brain in gear for writing. I actually do have a candle for this novel now, but I keep forgetting to light it haha. I write in our living room mostly, although there've been a couple of times I've gotten to write in a coffee shop recently, since the old pandemic chilled out a bit, and that's been amazing. I get so much more done in a coffee shop for some reason.

I also joined KDWC for this November, as I mentioned in my Week 1 Recap, which I haven't been super active in, given I've been busy with, you know, NaNo, but I have found it pretty helpful and enjoyable in general. I'm not sure if I'll do it for November again yet, but I am considering joining up for a less hectic month haha.

And that's a wrap! How has your NaNoWriMo going? I hope well, but if not, please don't worry, you can do it! I have faith in you! Please, comment down below, and tell me all about how your month has gone.

Monday 15 November 2021

NaNoWriMo Week #2

 Hello, friends, compatriots, arch-nemeses and/or fellow NaNoers.

It is I, back again with a totally not late recap* for you all to not-enjoy. I hope you all appreciate this. This week wasn't my best, by a long shot, but hopefully, I'll get back on the wagon next week. Maybe this'll be my slump week! We shall see. 

*what definitely didn't happen was me neglecting to write any part of my recap on friday and saturday and having to do both on monday, well after my saturday evening deadline, no sirree. not in the least.

Monday | November 8th

Today...was a day.

I had a lot to do and think about today, by my standards anyway, so it was hard getting my brain to start working. I got a few hundred words in before I had to go out for a counselling appointment, and wrote a few hundred more in the evening while my mum and I were watching a K-drama.

It was partly the challenge of finishing off the chapter I was working on on Saturday, which was a fun chapter but ultimately, I needed to end it at around 2.8k, which is just over half of my typical chapter length for Project Wales. But, the next chronological events in the plot felt like they needed to be in a new chapter, so it is what it is. I'm thinking that when I go back through in edits, I might move some of these scenes around in the timeline anyway, so this chapter - such as it currently is - might well cease to exist in the future, so its current length probably doesn't really matter.

I ended up starting a new chapter instead and wrote a few hundred words on that before stopping.

All in all, not a great day today, writing-wise, but I'm not too mad at myself about it. These kinds of days - and the days that are much worse - are exactly why I try to stay so far ahead, so that I don't end up behind and having to write loads to catch up. For some reason, it feels way easier to write loads to stay ahead than it does to write loads to catch up. I'm not sure why.

Words Written - 1053 words

Tuesday | November 9th

Today was a slightly better day - for writing anyway. I had my Bible study in the morning again, but while I was there, I had a breakthrough about the chapter I was working on and then left alone on Monday and I ended up being able to properly finish it off, by adding a scene that's been in my head for a while. That was a lot of fun.

I didn't, however, have a great day all around. My anxiety was really bad on this day, so I ended up stopping once I'd finished off the chapter instead of pushing myself to write more like I might've if I wasn't feeling so awful generally.

All in all though, I still got a decent amount of words in and wrote a scene that, while it's definitely not perfect, I'm actually pretty happy with for the most part.

Words Written - 2376 words

Wednesday | November 10th

Wednesday was a pretty decent day, although I was quite busy. I ended up going out for much of the afternoon - albeit spending most of that time in good old Costa, writing with my sister - and that's where I got most of my words for today. 

It wasn't my Absolute Best writing day, but it wasn't terrible either. 

Even though this wasn't my best day for word count though, once I got into writing, I actually had a ton of fun. This section of my novel is pretty much entirely pantsed and I had a lot of fun with three-headed dogs and magic train stations in paintings and Haneul got to ride a griffin, which was great.

Words Written - 2064 words

Thursday | November 11th

This day was interesting to say the least. 

I got up early (read: at 9 in the morning like a normal human who doesn't only just fall asleep at 3-4 in the morning and thus has a functioning life) to attend a Zoom meeting, and promptly spent half-an-hour trying to make myself not fall asleep again whilst trying to do my Bible reading in the most dopey state you can think of. I also started with a cough that's made my voice kind of croaky so I think I might be coming down with something, which is just absolutely perfect.

So yes, I was in no state to write before the Zoom meeting, because my brain wasn't working at all, and it ended up being a bit upsetting for me, so I wasn't in much of a state to write for quite a few hours after either. I did finally manage to make myself write 1k at like four in the afternoon, but overall, it was a disappointing writing day. Annoyingly, I actually went into this day hoping to pound out quite a few words, but eh. Sometimes that's just how it be.

Words Written - 1058 words

Friday | November 12th

When I tell you I had so many plans for this day. I wrote about five hundred or so words after midnight, because I suddenly got Inspired, and I ended up having to stop there because it was late, but I was eagerly awaiting the next day.

And then guess what. Tendonitis strikes again, lads. It wasn't a bad flareup, per se, I had to wear a splint on my right hand, but that was mostly it. I didn't even need painkillers. However, I could just feel in my hands that if I pushed it too much this day, they'd give up and I wouldn't be able to finish at all. So, I wrote a bit more - that five hundred words from the night before ended up being super helpful in getting me a slightly more satisfying word count - and then, because I am Responsible, I stopped and rested. Good for me.

Also, my sister and I made fudge, health fudge, for Bonfire Night, so that was fun. 

Words Written - 2041 words

Saturday | November 13th

Remember when last week, I was all BONFIRE NIGHT!! except we weren't actually celebrating it then because we were doing it the Saturday after. Well. We did it. Kind of. Okay, yes, the fire ended up dying an untimely demise five minutes after we started, and we just went inside and had our sausages and burgers there, but still. We also had fudge. 

Writing-wise, didn't get as much done this day. I wasn't feeling great and my aunt was visiting for our "Bonfire Night" (emphasis on the quotation marks here). But I managed to keep up my so-far record of not once dropping below that sexy 1k*, and even went a few hundred words over, so I'm happy. 

*excluding all Sundays, since I'm not writing at all, so I'm not counting that as breaking my streak.

Words Written - 1417 words

NaNoWriMo Current Word Count: 30017 words

Overall Novel Word Count: 112047 words

Good news, lads! I'm officially out of Act 2!! Or, like, the point where I arbitrarily drew the line for Act 2's end in my Scrivener file before I'd even properly started writing haha. Yes, I plan weird parts of my drafts. Leave me alone.

I still have like six and a half chapters of 5k words left to go*, but we're in the home-stretch! No, I don't really know how I'm going to try and wrap this behemoth up, but we're getting there. Slowly.

*we're not going to talk about the fact I'm considering adding another chapter, shush. hopefully it won't happen. hopefully.

Anyway, that was my second week of NaNoWriMo. Not my best by a long shot, but also not my worst. I'm at the very least glad I managed to get a decent amount of words done. 

Tell me, how has your second week gone? Have you hit that oh-so-infamous NaNo slump yet or are you still going strong? Hit any rough points? Comment down below, let me know.

Saturday 6 November 2021

NaNoWriMo Week #1

Hello all!

So, you might have noticed, this is a New Thing. This year for NaNoWriMo, I decided to keep a daily record of my NaNoWriMo for 2021. Why? Partly because I keep seeing other bloggers doing it and always have so much fun reading theirs, so I wanted to give it a try; partly because I feel it could be really helpful to have a nice record of how it goes to look back on; and partly because Accountability. I...really need accountability, my good lads. That's just how it be. Yes, I am aware that absolutely no one follows or cares about this blog and yes, I am aware no one will read this. I'm just doing it for the vibes.

A quick reminder, for NaNoWriMo this year, I am tackling the ginormous task of wrapping up Project Wales, my NaNo project from last year, ideally within 50-60k words. Hopefully. It's getting to be a bit of a monster so...we'll see. 

With all that explanation out of the way, let's go!

Beginning Novel Word Count: 82 364 words

Monday, November 1st

This day, my friends, was top-notch. As far as writing went, I for the most part just. Sat down and wrote. It was great! I made the decision ahead of time to stop pre-NaNo at the end of a chapter so I could start NaNo with a fresh(ish) slate. And I spent a bit of time brainstorming what would happen in this next chapter so once NaNo came, I could just sit down and write it without having to stop and think. 

Because I have the sleep schedule of Dracula, I'm pretty much always awake until like two or three...or four in the morning, so this year, I opted to start writing at midnight. I didn't want to write for too long, I still had my nighttime Bible reading and prayer to do, but I ended up writing until about quarter to one and got 1241 words before wrapping up for the night, having completed the first scene of Chapter Sixteen!

This scene was entirely in my boy Jules' POV and it was...depressing, to say the least. Jules is...not having a fun time right now. It's not fun for him.

Once I got up in the morning, I did a bit of writing once I was dressed, writing about 700 or so words before I made lunch. 

This year, I decided to join the King's Daughters Writing Camp - which was, to be honest, an extra anxiety in the lead-up to NaNo, but I think I'm...starting to ease into it now? Kind of? 

Anyway, today I got into the writing sprints channel and just sprinted with a few other campers for a few hours, which brought my word count up massively. All in all, by the time I stopped at like five in the afternoon, I had a word count I was super happy with! 

My goal for this first day was to write 5k, thus getting me solidly ahead. My tactic when it comes to NaNoWriMo is typically to try and stay well ahead of my daily word count, so if I do have a bad day where I can't write, it doesn't completely set me back. So, I aim at 5k the first day, and at 3-5k for the days after, more if I can get it, but if I don't, then I'm ahead enough that it doesn't matter, you know? 

And it worked out! I wanted to try and finish Chapter Sixteen the first day (my chapters for Project Wales are all like 5k words long, mega boys), which didn't work out, but I still got a solid amount of words done! Could I have carried writing past the time I stopped and thus maybe finished off the chapter? Yes, probably, but I didn't want to push myself too much and I wanted to watch something with my sister, so I decided to stop there for the day.

I will say there are already issues I can see with what I've written. That first scene I wrote in the morning - as opposed to the first scene of the chapter, which I wrote the night before - I think came out sounding quite awkward and it didn't quite come across the way I wanted, but I really like the idea of that scene and I think there's something there for me to try and perfect at a later date, and that's really all you can ask for in a first draft.

However, I did finally get to take my characters to a setting that I created so long ago and that I've been desperate to actually use, and it came out so well! I'm so happy with it! It's this eerie magical library that's made from curving silver trees and carved purple wood, that goes on forever and bends back on itself, like a magical library labyrinth. It's so beautiful yet eerie and slightly creepy and I love it! Yes, the descriptions could maybe use work - especially surrounding my attempts to describe how the labyrinth element works, but for the most part, this setting actually came out better in my draft than it was in my head and that's always a pleasant surprise.

All in all, I had a really good writing day this day, I really felt like it went well. I prayed before writing for God's help and guidance and I really felt like the words came easier afterward, so I give Him the glory for that. I definitely had moments where I was struggling, yes, especially when I first started writing in the morning, but I prayed for help with writing and it truly felt like I could write better afterwards. Definitely planning on integrating prayer more into my writing routine. I think it's the right thing to do, so I'm going to try and pray and ask for guidance and help before any major writing sessions.

Words Written: 5412 words

Tuesday, November 2nd

This day wasn't as easy. As opposed to Monday, where I pretty much had the whole day to write without anything to interrupt, on Tuesday, I had a Bible study in the morning until lunchtime. Which, for me, means hours of recovery time and trying to force my gremlin brain into stopping whatever I'm doing and just writing. I do best when I can just wake up and write without interruption, because that way I can keep myself from starting on The Spiral of doing other stuff to avoid writing haha.

I still got a few words in though, once I managed to kick myself into gear and wrote for about an hour or so in the late afternoon. I ended up writing just over a thousand words and finally finishing off the chapter I started on Monday. And! I wrote one of my favourite scenes thus far in my entire novel! Featuring Haneul, Jules, bags of frozen food on bruises, and a very precious cautiously blossoming friendship.

My babies 

*also those are POTATO waffles, i just noticed i missed that detail out in this particular segment haha

All in all, not my best day this week, but as you will see, also not the worst. I still wrote words that I liked, for the most part. First draft words, yes, but still. Words I liked. 

Words Written: 1231 words

Wednesday, November 3rd


Today, I didn't have anything to do but write... which of course meant I put off writing until like three in the afternoon but it's fine, it's chill, everything's fine. Once I did get down to it, however, as you can see up there, I hit 10 000 words!!!

It was pretty slow-going and agonising at first. I had a whole week of time in-story to skip over and because my characters were going to the real world setting of Llandudno in this chapter, I had to use Google Earth to describe it in lieu of not currently being able to go physically to Llandudno to remind myself what it looked like, which slowed my writing down considerably at first. It's way harder to write in real-world settings by the way. I infinitely prefer fictional ones haha.

Once I got going, however, and especially once I got my characters into the fictional part of the setting, everything sped up a lot. It also helped that I did the Fellowship of the Ring NaNoWriMo Word Crawl - or the first part of it anyway, it's a bit too much to do in one day haha, but I'm intending to finish it over the next few days - and that helped with my writing massively. 

Overall, not my best day so far, but also not my worst, so that's good. And I'm really happy with where I got up to. 10k!!

Words Written: 3450 words

Thursday, November 4th

And we're officially back in business boysssss.

Today was a good day. I had pretty much nothing else to do today except for write, and it was great. It took me a little while to get started, but once I did, I had such a good time writing. On Wednesday, I pretty much got the hard parts out of the way, I got my characters into place and got everything going so that today, I could just go right ahead. Once I started writing, I literally just wrote and wrote and wrote. 

I continued the Fellowship of the Ring Word Crawl from Wednesday and got up to Rivendell, which is where I stopped. That helped a lot, I think, but the words were also just coming to me today. I was having so much fun! I do think the Word Crawl pushed me into writing for longer than I might've done otherwise though, I wrote an extra few hundred words because I wanted to reach Rivendell when I might've stopped without it. But that's a good thing, more words are always a good thing.

Most of what I wrote today was a scene that has been in my mind for literally years. It was one of the most detailed parts of my braindump-organized-into-rough-chronological-order 'plan' because it was super important, it contains the payoff to a bunch of foreshadowing scattered through the rest of the book and it's massive. So, of course, I was excited to write it. It ended up being nothing like my plan really, but the important stuff was still there, just surrounded in completely different ideas. 

A basilisk turned up. Didn't expect that, but hello.

Most of it took place in a dream, which might seem strange, but remember, dreams are magical in this story so...yes. That's all I'm going to say haha.

All in all, this was such a good day. I'm honestly so happy with how it went today. Are there issues with what I've written? Yes, but it's not anywhere near as bad as it could've been and I actually managed to sort out and fix some problems that came up in my plot and world as I wrote today, and some things connected and came together that I didn't plan for or expect which made my whole story make more sense, so that was great.

Words Written: 5408 words

Friday, November 5th

So I might be noticing a bit of a trend.

I can write tons one day, be super productive, and absolutely slay my goal...and the next, I'm struggling to get any words out at all.

Today was one of those days. It seems to be that if I do a 5k day, the next day I'll always struggle and I struggled more today than I did on Tuesday. It doesn't help that this part of the novel is...much more blurry to me and I was having to do a lot of telling just to move the story along. Which isn't necessarily to mean in a bad way, although there's plenty of bad telling in there too, but rather that I've reached a point in the story where I need to skip over events. The things happening were important to both plot and flow, but I needed to zero in on specific parts and not just spend yonks describing them arriving at their new location and searching for hours through books in detail. It was challenging, but I'm out of that bit now so...hopefully all goes better tomorrow.

I did come back to my document to write for the first time today to find this typo, which I thought was pretty funny, so there's that.

that was supposed to be 'walls', by the way

All in all, this ended up being my worst day thus far for word count, but I still got in 1k, so I'm at least glad for that.

Also, it was Bonfire Night! Which we didn't actively celebrate because our church still isn't putting on our Bonfire Night celebration because of Covid, but we're planning to celebrate a week on Saturday. Either way, didn't have any impact on my writing, but I still wanted to mention it. Bonfire Night!

Words Written: 1027 words

Saturday, November 6th

This day started out badly, for writing specifically. I got up, got all of my other stuff done and sat down to write...and it was agonising. In this scene, I had to have a character encounter my antagonist, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't think of a natural, organic way to write it. It was a real challenge.

By the time it was four in the afternoon, I'd managed to scrape out a thousand words but that was it. 

But then I hit a turning point. My sister - who is also doing NaNoWriMo this year for the first time! - agreed to do some writing sprints with me and we sat together to write for awhile. It was so helpful! This, along with finally getting past the above scene and into some Solid Bants, managed to actually get me absorbed in my writing to the point that I was able to get out a solid number of words!

It was all very exciting. I also got to introduce - properly - two characters I've been excited to introduce, Haneul's sister and best friend from back home in Korea. I do think that in edits, I might need to move this scene earlier, because tbh, it doesn't really work that his best friend doesn't get mentioned at all until this point in the novel - because I didn't even create him until I was like 60k words in haha - and that his sister doesn't get to make an actual appearance beyond texts until here, but meh. That's a problem for Future Me to deal with.

As Current Drafting Me, I got to have fun with an entirely new dynamic that came out far better than I planned for. It was so much fun.

mayhaps i love them

Also, I switched up my formatting for this draft because I felt like it and sometimes doing that helps my brain work better for some reason, so yes. That's why it's different here to up above. In case you were wondering, which I'm sure you weren't.

All in all, today started out badly, but ended up great. Even though I didn't quite get as many words as on Thursday, I still got a lot done and I'm really happy with my final word count.

Words Written: 3480 words

This NaNoWriMo, I decided to take Sundays off from writing to give myself a break and to be able to properly focus on the Sabbath and honour it properly. So, no words for that day, which brings us to the official end of this first week of NaNo!

NaNoWriMo Current Word Count: 20008 words

Overall Novel Word Count: 102399 words

And we're not even done with Act 2 yet, hahaha *sobs*.

Overall, this was a great start to NaNo. I'm super happy with my final word count for the week. I'm a solid 10k or more ahead of where I need to be, so I have wiggle-room if I get sick or have a bad mental health day or whatever in the rest of the month, which is perfect. It also means that, hopefully, I'm far enough ahead to be able to complete Project Wales this month, even if it does end up being 140k words long, which is good.

Please be forgiving of the snippets I included in this post. This is all first draft stuff, remember.

How did your NaNoWriMo go, if you're doing NaNo? Has it been good or have you been struggling? If you're not, how is it going with whatever projects you're working on at the moment? Comment below and let me know.

Know The Novel - Within Spooky Wild West

Hello, all. It's been a few weeks and I'm back again, with the second part of the Know the Novel linkup made by Christine Smith . If...