Monday 15 November 2021

NaNoWriMo Week #2

 Hello, friends, compatriots, arch-nemeses and/or fellow NaNoers.

It is I, back again with a totally not late recap* for you all to not-enjoy. I hope you all appreciate this. This week wasn't my best, by a long shot, but hopefully, I'll get back on the wagon next week. Maybe this'll be my slump week! We shall see. 

*what definitely didn't happen was me neglecting to write any part of my recap on friday and saturday and having to do both on monday, well after my saturday evening deadline, no sirree. not in the least.

Monday | November 8th

Today...was a day.

I had a lot to do and think about today, by my standards anyway, so it was hard getting my brain to start working. I got a few hundred words in before I had to go out for a counselling appointment, and wrote a few hundred more in the evening while my mum and I were watching a K-drama.

It was partly the challenge of finishing off the chapter I was working on on Saturday, which was a fun chapter but ultimately, I needed to end it at around 2.8k, which is just over half of my typical chapter length for Project Wales. But, the next chronological events in the plot felt like they needed to be in a new chapter, so it is what it is. I'm thinking that when I go back through in edits, I might move some of these scenes around in the timeline anyway, so this chapter - such as it currently is - might well cease to exist in the future, so its current length probably doesn't really matter.

I ended up starting a new chapter instead and wrote a few hundred words on that before stopping.

All in all, not a great day today, writing-wise, but I'm not too mad at myself about it. These kinds of days - and the days that are much worse - are exactly why I try to stay so far ahead, so that I don't end up behind and having to write loads to catch up. For some reason, it feels way easier to write loads to stay ahead than it does to write loads to catch up. I'm not sure why.

Words Written - 1053 words

Tuesday | November 9th

Today was a slightly better day - for writing anyway. I had my Bible study in the morning again, but while I was there, I had a breakthrough about the chapter I was working on and then left alone on Monday and I ended up being able to properly finish it off, by adding a scene that's been in my head for a while. That was a lot of fun.

I didn't, however, have a great day all around. My anxiety was really bad on this day, so I ended up stopping once I'd finished off the chapter instead of pushing myself to write more like I might've if I wasn't feeling so awful generally.

All in all though, I still got a decent amount of words in and wrote a scene that, while it's definitely not perfect, I'm actually pretty happy with for the most part.

Words Written - 2376 words

Wednesday | November 10th

Wednesday was a pretty decent day, although I was quite busy. I ended up going out for much of the afternoon - albeit spending most of that time in good old Costa, writing with my sister - and that's where I got most of my words for today. 

It wasn't my Absolute Best writing day, but it wasn't terrible either. 

Even though this wasn't my best day for word count though, once I got into writing, I actually had a ton of fun. This section of my novel is pretty much entirely pantsed and I had a lot of fun with three-headed dogs and magic train stations in paintings and Haneul got to ride a griffin, which was great.

Words Written - 2064 words

Thursday | November 11th

This day was interesting to say the least. 

I got up early (read: at 9 in the morning like a normal human who doesn't only just fall asleep at 3-4 in the morning and thus has a functioning life) to attend a Zoom meeting, and promptly spent half-an-hour trying to make myself not fall asleep again whilst trying to do my Bible reading in the most dopey state you can think of. I also started with a cough that's made my voice kind of croaky so I think I might be coming down with something, which is just absolutely perfect.

So yes, I was in no state to write before the Zoom meeting, because my brain wasn't working at all, and it ended up being a bit upsetting for me, so I wasn't in much of a state to write for quite a few hours after either. I did finally manage to make myself write 1k at like four in the afternoon, but overall, it was a disappointing writing day. Annoyingly, I actually went into this day hoping to pound out quite a few words, but eh. Sometimes that's just how it be.

Words Written - 1058 words

Friday | November 12th

When I tell you I had so many plans for this day. I wrote about five hundred or so words after midnight, because I suddenly got Inspired, and I ended up having to stop there because it was late, but I was eagerly awaiting the next day.

And then guess what. Tendonitis strikes again, lads. It wasn't a bad flareup, per se, I had to wear a splint on my right hand, but that was mostly it. I didn't even need painkillers. However, I could just feel in my hands that if I pushed it too much this day, they'd give up and I wouldn't be able to finish at all. So, I wrote a bit more - that five hundred words from the night before ended up being super helpful in getting me a slightly more satisfying word count - and then, because I am Responsible, I stopped and rested. Good for me.

Also, my sister and I made fudge, health fudge, for Bonfire Night, so that was fun. 

Words Written - 2041 words

Saturday | November 13th

Remember when last week, I was all BONFIRE NIGHT!! except we weren't actually celebrating it then because we were doing it the Saturday after. Well. We did it. Kind of. Okay, yes, the fire ended up dying an untimely demise five minutes after we started, and we just went inside and had our sausages and burgers there, but still. We also had fudge. 

Writing-wise, didn't get as much done this day. I wasn't feeling great and my aunt was visiting for our "Bonfire Night" (emphasis on the quotation marks here). But I managed to keep up my so-far record of not once dropping below that sexy 1k*, and even went a few hundred words over, so I'm happy. 

*excluding all Sundays, since I'm not writing at all, so I'm not counting that as breaking my streak.

Words Written - 1417 words

NaNoWriMo Current Word Count: 30017 words

Overall Novel Word Count: 112047 words

Good news, lads! I'm officially out of Act 2!! Or, like, the point where I arbitrarily drew the line for Act 2's end in my Scrivener file before I'd even properly started writing haha. Yes, I plan weird parts of my drafts. Leave me alone.

I still have like six and a half chapters of 5k words left to go*, but we're in the home-stretch! No, I don't really know how I'm going to try and wrap this behemoth up, but we're getting there. Slowly.

*we're not going to talk about the fact I'm considering adding another chapter, shush. hopefully it won't happen. hopefully.

Anyway, that was my second week of NaNoWriMo. Not my best by a long shot, but also not my worst. I'm at the very least glad I managed to get a decent amount of words done. 

Tell me, how has your second week gone? Have you hit that oh-so-infamous NaNo slump yet or are you still going strong? Hit any rough points? Comment down below, let me know.

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